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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... thr la4t ?? of MIinisterm.-Frrich, Spanish, Aimerican Newq, &c.-I'eriodical Publicati ns, The Quarterly and Fidin- burgh Reviews; The Monthly, London, New Monthly, FhdiW. burgh Magazine.-Interestiug Trials in the Court of King's BenIch.-MiTisterial R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sie Joinville and the French Navv. Short Reviews of Books, Continental Intelligence, New Publics- lions, ILC. Ice. Chapmran tid altil, IR6, Strand. To uirrosw still hl pt hlisihed. THE BRITISH andI FORE1(iN REVIEW, il Nn, X.XX tV.-CON TBrT8 1. Tbe Italiati ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a few stulutary cautions. Even the reviewer is1 per- siiaded'-a strange itucongruity of' persumasoisa insets in him - that Mr. Clayton would not infentioneallay semeond. Fourth. It was indecorous lin the reviewer to impugn Mr. Clayton's statement, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hiurst, vte's, aind Ornrm, Patfrnoster- row, and.Archibahl Constable and Co Edi11b'urh -af whom ?? be had 'iife Rdiinhurh Review vol. I to 8, prie 'd1. 4s; in Boards; or' 5. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HEr, BRITISH REVIEW, No. XXIV. just -1- publishied, comprises Articles on the ±ollowiingSubjects:- 1. I~leans of '.¾tional Tmprovemnet, i: the Gencral Svstem if Education, aiid in Prison Discipline-2. Madame de Stael's Work Qlo thte French Revolution-5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... only is lie prG- fenzed with an account cf the publieationi reviewed and a judg- nsent on tsa rieats, but the principles on which thisejudgment is furaned are at the Came tirtoe unfilded. A Review written on tlhis plan is extremely dffertint from thofe which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the utmoft attention is paid to the earinefs of tbe reviews, fo that they in gencral precede thofe of everv competitor. A pce tully equal to any other Review fold for as. 6d. is al- lotted to the Reviews of Books ; including a complete Lilt of New Publications ...

Advertisements & Notices

... French History, and the Author has shewn good taste and consistency, as well in the selection as intheinvention of the ?? Review, Odt. - - Printed ffir for C: Cradock and W. Joy, 32, Paternoster-row. 'Where may be had,' price 6s: extra boards, the PRISON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TheCurate Chambard, or the Secret of the Confessional-Il. Reviews of Boosa -12. Virgil for Schoolboys, by an Etonian, &c. London: Henry Renshaw, 3.6, Strand. Just published, rTHE PROSPECTIVE REVIEW, No, III. (Christian Teacher, No. 23), price 2s. dd. CoNTENOT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOIKS PUBLTSH1{ID'THI1S DAY. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. III. is . ~pU%'4iShld this Day, tor John Murray, 32. Fleet-street; anid l. Hatchard. Piccadiitly, L~ondon, and nray be had also of ever-y Rnolseller ahid Newsman in Town and Country. TE FARaMER'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Weliesley on the Carnatic Qaestion; wt1than ?? Paper nsever yet ilbliched, and ?? Articles The OSffe for the Puhlication of this Review i3 remnoved to 019r. Sidney's, printer, No. T,.Northurnberland-street, Strand, 7where ?? tbc.femner Numbers may be had, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOose, Gray, Salmon, Stephen., Waterton, Waterhouse, and Yarrell. John Van Voorst, 1, Paternooter.row. THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, TL Nol. LXVI., prico ft 1. Hoalzae and George 8and. v. Pontaulor's Political Mission to the Rast. S. Dahlinson's History ...