... of e Corbet Court, Gracechurlrh Street, to Mifs Ann r, Hooper, daughter of the hiat, lr. Jorepls l-Iooper, of t Gloucelter Row, Newington, Surry.-At Kingloal, Jamaica, Lieutenant Highatt, of the Th/fisa, of 74 S guns, to Mifs Fifhley.-Jofeplt Piercy, ...


... daughter of lohn Da!!iel, Ef&T. of Ald ridge'&lotge . Stsfhtdflire *lJi ID., On the 9th intitant, at her houfe, Corporatio-row, Clerken. well, Mrs. Mary Atifri, wwidow ofthe late Mr. M. organ Aultin, of the, llington-road. On Saturday ...


... had been convided lalt term. He made an affidavit in mitigation of this of- fence, which was iead. Mr. Erltine and Mt. Gar- row were heard in relily. He was remanded to Nevw.- gate, and is to be_ brought up on. Saturday the 5th of May, to receive fentence ...


... been given-by ptIr. Davidfon to every,ele1lo. in his,, interell, and that a -furn of: noneyhad be~ep- depfited for building a row.ofuholes, to com- mertograte (as it was expr elfed);rlte, gloripus,.;tzj .'ofJuly, when tbe freedom qf e1gjion was re- flored ...


... lungs found difeafed. Mr Erps-xiNE produced witneffes to fupport this flatement, but on their crofs examination by Mr. Gar- row, it appeared that tlte horfe was feized with a fud- den difeafe ; and after a very ingenious addrefs from him the jury, in which ...


... as value; and paid for accord- ingly -But, laid: Mr. Erikine, the parcel was. CeZt by a wrong coach. This, replied Mr. Gar- row, does not at all alter the care; for the clerk of -the defendants at Nottingham has a .rcfliaed agency, and he cannot engage ...


... to difcourage .j it.-Rule made abfolute. : bet THE KING 'V. TEMPLE. In; A conditional rule had been obtained by Mr. Gar- M row, who now moved to have it made abfolute, againfi to the Defendant, a Captain in the Royal Navy, for ob- airulting a Sheriff's ...


... ptincipal ballet tnaftei at the Opera Eioufe. The traamtf on fori which the aaion arofe, happened on the 6th of March jift. .DBAR ROW opcned the pieadinps, and Mri rjeant &istpEPHteD flatedi that Walker, tihe Plaintiffi rs a ia too. a Tweak and fender frame- ...


... weree put under arreff by'Mr. Nadin. 7 Yefleiday Doggert's Coat and Badge was rowed for, according to annual cuftom, under thue ufual regulations. it is well knowvn' that they row from Swan to Swvari, as the watermien exprefs it, that is, from the fign of ...


... laft, at St. George's Church, Bloomrfliry, lohn Maunde, Elfq. late of Monrtgomery, North Wales, to Mnst' W'ade, of Southampton-row, Bloormfbury fquare. DJkD. o a Tuefday, Mrs. Collins, reliet of the late William Collincrl Efq. of Brenclley, Kent. CUqtain ...

Magistrates and Council of Lanark

... thlere will be Ls'. Dy public roup, i; Mr Hoq7rGS Inn, Briftc Street, TIE ΒΆ~WHOLE DUNG or FUilZIEof the LAIU.. 1 RIESTON, TIVIOT.ROW, and PAR1-K_ PLAC&DISTRICT, from Ehe Strand at _Bxifto Street to thee toad leading from the Trwopey Ct4om to, to Wrights HouSes ...


... by not taking fuffidient time to J come down thel flairs. c, Hornrhy.and Co. 26, Corthill.-The few, remain- a ;rg Tickets row fo; fale Cannof poflibly Tlppl' thre c public denmand for the chance of qb(3'ining the tltree grand Prizes-ofT enty rThouiand ...