LONDON—July 29

... night a prefs gang purfiling a ten key feafarin in Tooley Street, the latter to a- for the void them ran into a boat; and rowed himfelf to St Catharine's, and left the boat to drift. Fibd-_ ing after*ardi that the boat beloarged to his fai. - ther, and ...


... offered a large bounty to fome it %v failors who were looking on, and which at length Nat was accepted by four of them~ who rowed out Pen( in two boats, with two men in each, carrying and with then ropes, to tow the vefiel in. One of prec the boats .in ...

DUBLIN—Sept. 1

... has given the name of Harmonica Cele. tina. This inflrument is in the (hape of a fpinnet, te or fmall harpfichord, with three rows of keys.-_ As he has only ?? it in public to execute fome _ pieces of mufic, the German Journalifts do not give any details ...


... laff week, the> Court ordered the bread to be reduced half an aflize, or one-penny in the peck loaf, to take place to-mor-. row. The price of the quartern loaf wheaten, will then be Is. old. and the houfhold told. Mr. Batho, of the Ward of Portfoken, was ...


... Fic ,, and Yohn Hollis. Samuel Richardfot'i for felonioufly flealing and emnbezzling a 5ol. note, the property of James, Bur- rows, his mnafler. Mr. Burrows flated hilinfelf to be an upholfterer at Kenfligton. The Prifoner at the Bar was a young lad whom ...

In the Court of Requests on Saturday a man prosecuted another for 30s. advanced to purchase ma

... re- coniaiending to them to mind their bufinefs. Qn Mqnday rnight laft, about twelve o'clock, a mixn paling by St. George's-row, St. George's Fields, heard a diaurbanke at one of the houfes, when on inquiring into the caufe, feveral leri came otit of the ...


... M'ifire faid, that he was a- makcr of ho(g's-puddings, commonly call-d biack- puddings, and refiled in Avery Place, Avery-ifarri-Row, Chelfla; that on Mcrfdav afternoon he went to Newport-market to get a pail fuil of hog's- blo d, and a quantity of fat, guts ...


... Annefley, and Right Hon. Charles Henry Coote. Cuffomns.-J. 0. Vandeleur, Efq. J. Town- fend, EDq. Il. Longfield, Efq. and H. C. Row- ley, ,.fq. At each of ihefe Boards the ChiefCommifflon- er, the Right Hon. J. Beresford, will prefide. A Rullian peafant has ...

On Thursday evening a Female, most elegantly dressed, was discovered in the field leading from Bol

... Tlhurfday evening a Female, nioft dlegantly dreffed, was discovered in the field leading from Bol- I. .1 . la ig ro Bo. ton-row almolt in the agonies of death, who appeared to have been robbed. and ill-treated, hewf face and part of her drefs was covered ...


... afiw him aftcr- wards he feenied quite recovered. In May the re, moved to London, and lived with him in Chapel-fherz, Bedford-row. IHe. took very bad care of himfer', and ufed to fit 'up late, drinking brandy and v.ater. in au tumn they went t 'ogeIh to ...


... feiiznrl a.. cart of ffeail and difaributing the iaf ame Aaon the mob.' The prifoner pleaded gailtygatid expK fedrnmrdi' fotri row for his condu&t and'with'ifuat fornm the Jury re. turned a vey~dl ftinding-.hi guilty*cre (Coukt delayed paflfing fentence ...


... his agre, 1i\r. Farle, for- merly of ?? rect, wvoolleuidraler and tarluim, grand- father to the celebrated Mli's Robenitun, row a pI il':li r it the fleet, and ito velmoffi, by a former will, ie had given -o,cool. but hat now7 left her ontly aS. - . CTO ...