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Advertisements & Notices

... W'iorton undcr E11g.; Leigh, Atherltone i Swinney, liirmi..gham; Rollirfon, Lizclcma',) a-: Su Celd, C tov'-try ; Rowel, Rugby; Baker, 'TanavWoith ; Sharqp Warwick; Ctilling- worth pyJnrsntry; Ktc, liettering; Dicey, M.urhal, and IC'. Norrharmoon; Tenokey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... William Bond. Wolverhampron, Mr.CharlesSmith. . ar'xwckj[/Are. Birmingham, Mr. James Kindos. Coventry, Mr. Jeffemiel Smith, Rugby, Mr. Robert Rowell. Piopofals may be had of the different Agents. 0 A very conliderable reduction having taken place in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bond. Wolverhampton, Mr. Charies Smith. a W;ar.-Lvic4,Zire. q Birmingham, Mr. Jamnes Kindon. Coventry, Mr. Ieffemiel Smith. Rugby, Mr. Robert Rowell. i rr Propofals may be had of the different Agents. D B A very confiderable redudion having takcn L place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~ebov ii0 s~ if utder~ge ~Leigh, Atheritooe; - Swi'nn'ey, ii', Roflafon,.' Lsuckman, 'and Suffitld, Coventry;- Rseie r, Rugby ; Raker, :Tnmkbrth -Sharp, Warwicki ICaliie d i orth, Davertfy i, Kett, Kettering ; Dic-ey, %islad,'ihd Co. Nostharnptein; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hm Raikes,-.Ptt&Glou~ce/ieri: ii ?er. Sru; Dgde and aos.'Tewkeibiory; Since,. W ; I ollaon, ?? Suffield, Coventry. Rn, he-Rugby-; :Baker, Tavmwijyrlj-;- Sli i,Wrwiaik. Cslit ,0 . woethDavttry..Kerr, Kettcring; Dce,1anat the' Crsttwell, M~eyler, '*alh; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Captain Fred. Watkins 'rhos. Olivcr so to (Nav y) in 10 J. M. Scordcl-& Co Io so The Young Gerntlernen Countefo Spencer To to of Rugby Schsool, by Earl Spencer ZIi the bands of Doc'tor Robt. Vigne & Sons to6 an Ingies i5 0 Larkins, Eade and Co. is ap 'Sir M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13/ncd. Wiortt under E lge; ?? Asheedtqn:; 'iwinnieyi iirmring!am; Rqllafon, Luckman, and- Sis jiiild, C(mventry ; Ito4P; Rugby ; Baker, Tsmwoi tis Shapl Warwisck ; Culling. worth, IUavtentry; Kertw K7ettecing; Dicey, Mat fl tl; and do Nsrrhnarnpton ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tcwks-llury; Bintc, \r5 ;under Elgc; Leigh, Athcrfflane ; SwYinney, Birrmin i Rollafon,' -Lnckman, and Sstzffild', Coventry. fl ,Rugby; Bpaker, Tarnworjib; Sharp, Warwiek; C~ ,g swrth, Davvestry', Ketr,';eeetea-iag; Dicey, Matlb- .. Co. Norrh.3mpton; .Tonk~y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bince, Wootton under Eilge ; Leigh,.A~lscr~,rire; Swinneys Birmingham; Rollafon, Laackman, and Suffield, Co~ventry; Rnwel, Rugby; Baker, Tarowo, th; Sharp, Warwick; Culling- worth, Daventry; Keet, Kettiring; Dicey, Mailbal, and Co. Northampton ; TookeyS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Te~wkeibury; Bince,Wt under E .ge; Leigh, A4therftr ne; Swinney, Bi mia, -Rollafon, Lusckman, and .Siffield, Coventry, r~ Rugby; Balcer, Tamw~oath; Sharp, Warwaclc1 CcEs -worth, Daventry; Ks'tr, Kettering; Dicey, Mal22i Co. Nos diamptonl; Toaokev, Oandle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lichfiel, mr. ilamBond. Wovethamptoni, .Mr. Charles Smith. Birmingham, Mr. JamesKin~don. - Coventry, Mr. Jeflemiel Smith. . R Rugby, Mr. Robert Rowell. Propofals way be had of the different Agenitr f2 A very confiderable redudion baving taken place in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IARzD LORD. Wantage, - . - JOHN BARR. WARw ICS iIiP.E. .Birminghbni, - _ JAMEs KINDON.. c*senrryi - - - - ESSereNlEe SMTiH. Rugby, - I C U A IR ) D I FOx. Propbfals riady be had of the diffeieht Agents.' f The Comp'any having ?? further'e-* du&ion of their ...