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... TISE MEN TS. at alid'Appeitstesi ot at no odor Pia* *Canterbury hat it Abces Dr.DAFFEY's Original and Founts Cora dial Elixir Salads, The Great ii Mankind i shave 60 Mrs k a certain Care (ander God) in ft n • and Rbenwanfm, with at asp ter:ming Pains attending ...

. . e• • . C;;;ZkQQO4::V.Adi;g4PQ - ,TobeS 0 L D, • AParcel of Under-WOod, lying iri the Parifh of

... and prevat xrifearriaget ; are wenderfai is the Straeljorp or Grime!, awl flimflam haw %Nay Stew atlas foze.. Prue I t. a Salad with aw's Alto the tollowing Boob, I. A Paraphrafe and Comment upon the Epifiles and Gof. pe)s, appointed to bc ufed in the ...


... to he Sold at no *the' he Cinterbut y hat at Mr.jam:s Abree's PrtistiasOflite e ' Dr.DAFFEY's Original and Ctdial lEfizir Salads, The Greer Preferver Mankind, avve to Than Itis • certaiie CAW (War Gml) ho DiOnapors, The Goat aid ltboanattfm, pith al 4 ...

_ Monday the 24th. WILLIAM PENNINGTON, Collcaae

... ao ether Plasm bury Ms Mr. Abres's avid Mr. William Ayktes frialierf-Offitai Dr. DAFFE Y's Orierial sod mous Cordial Elixir Salads The Grist Prefer Ter of Mankind, to rem isperiessa. 01: a Care is Difleasperi, 7S. Oesa she torterhig Pane aleadisse ; it ...

ill a Cr Ile la g- ADVERTISEMENTS. To be Lctt at Michadmas next, ght. It It this Calk Metitille that

... Plate In Canterbury_ hit at Mr. lames Abteet and M. William Ayleter Prisaise-offet, Dr. DA FFEY's Original and Cordial Elixir Salads ; The Great Pre. fetver of Mankind: • Experienced: It it a metals c,,d) ix Difienstert, wiz. no and Rhatteatifit, all the ...


... lark% mei applaud to k a I so ether is Canterbay he as r Alarses od MP Ayleter .offish Dr DAFFEY's Original and Famous Mar Salads; Thi Gram %tarter of Mankind; aim to Don Naperiamt& lt it • Cart (seder is OW Dijkaapen, E. Ifes and at takes away & Fo r ...

' . 1 • Paola thataily Octi. 1 4 : a*sY • 4 ch&ce, Au. • Franigry, O. S. -

... lettadiy cam on in the Court of &Chapter, before the Ri Hon: the Lord Chief Baron Reynolds, an adgnczhibd. on &ball the Againt! Salad Goaa, . keeper u Swanthorpc in the County of Norfolk, for harbouring and concealing 400 lb. of Tea, knowing it to be fmuggled ...

I ... r • :f • a_tTObe okl . -•- f ta# to Bidder at thc CuliontWuk in Deal, on

... appointed to be fold at no lather Place in Canterbury lut at the PRINTING Office, Dr. DAFFEire Original and Famous Ccrdial Elixir Salads The Great Prefei of Mankind; above co Years Expetienct.d. It is a certain Cute (unier God) in croft weavers, viz. The Gout ...

the Tenth of 'Their Hops in Kind, and am now moldingly daily receiving them: But be it known at the

... appolnred to be f)ld at nn 'Abet Place in Canterbury but at the PRINTING Ciffice, Dr. DAFFEY's Original and Famous Cerdial Salads ; The Great Pan vcr uf Man- kind; shove 60 Years Experienced. It is a certain Cote (under (iod) in molt Diftemperc, viz. The ...

TR al y at London, and op-pointed to be fold at no other Pint in Canrerbuty at the PRINTING Office,

... op-pointed to be fold at no other Pint in Canrerbuty at the PRINTING Office, Dr. DAFFEY's Origins; and Famous Cordial Elixir Salads ; The Greet Prefervcr of Mankind ; above go Yeats Expaimad. it is • certain Core (ander - God) in mo* Diliempers wiz. The ...

fet out *for cratice for a kw Weeks; sod many ofthe Beaux arc in Tears the Lola of to Inefinuab;c

... Richard Hollingbery in Canterbury. To be SOLD, by Mr. 7 OHN AUTSON, Store.kcepet for the VICTUALLING at DOVER, Everal Casks of Salad Pork, lying in the Stores at the Laid Port and Kiird for the ervict of His Mae jet y's Navy the 'latter end of the Year 1734 ...

Pr9a “ d

... pointed' to be fold at no other Place in Cantetbuty but at the PRINTING Office, Dr. DAFFEirs Original sod Famous Cordial Elixir Salads; The Great Prefetvcr of Mankind; above o Years Experienced. It is a certain Core (oder God) in molt Diftempers, viz. The Gout ...