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English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post


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English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post


... Lettuces, 4d to 10d; and • dozen—Melons, 2s to ss; and ts, 61 to 9d; and French Beans, 6 d P e od d to is; Salad, 2d; and Mushroonr to 8d per dozen hands—OraPe g , , 2 1, Is 6 ° Potatoes, Id to 4d; and Cherries, u ttlef°l LRKETS, — Saturday ...


... n Grapes p r ly Filberts ad to Is; English hot-house Grapes 3s to 58; and Pine to 10* per lb—Sea Kale,ls to Is 64 • Small Salad 34 to 4d ; and Qd to Is per punnet; Cos Lettuces Is 64 to 28; ParsniP;eptiot Is per dozen—Young Onions Qd to Is per bunch—T[lllop ...


... from 68 to 108 • New Potatoes Hoot f, to is; forc e ries from 5s to 108; and Eruslish hothouse Graprs from 48 le pound—Small Salad, from 2u to 4d ; Peaches from is to 78 Kale from 9d to is 6d per punnet—Cucumbers from 6d tO 14 .iletd brace—Long Radishes ...


... Is lid; Filberts, 8d to Is ; and Pi ne Appl es , 6 s to 128 per Parsnips, 6d to 15 per dozen—Sea Kale, 25 to 3s; and small Salad, to 6d per punnet; Turnip Greens, 10d to Is 3d per bushel basket. moderate supply, and a steady demand, at but little variation ...


... and Parsnips, 60 to Is per doze .. ..—Co.ocoucra, to 13s each—Strawberries, 3s to 5s per oz.—Sea Kali, 9d to 3s ; and Small Salad, 2d per punnet—Radishes, 6d to Hid per dozen hands— Grapes, 2s 6d to Pine Apples, Os; and New Potatoes, 4d to per Turnip Greens ...

SIIIPPIIVO SHIPS ENTERED INWARDS AT THE CUSTOM- LONDON, April 14. Zephyr, Merlin, Gravelines, Fanning's ..

... Fanning's Wharf — .40 01 k he LIVERPOOL, Wednesday Morning, 10 o'Clock. T • rift,. , Iø Hogg, frem Barbadoes, at this port, salad March sailed for Laguayra on the 2d, and the Josephine, for thielS4ol ll l the Bth; Richmond, Cochrane, hence, at Barbadoes; ...


... 2s to 3s 6d; and :r peck; English Hothouse Grapes4 l o ,8d to 2s; Cherries, lid to 3d; -Dlushroorrs, pd to is; and small Salad. iers, Is 3d-per dozen; bag Radish} to . „: - / trawberries, 2d to 6d; and Raspberries'', s, 4d to 8d per score ; Melons, 45 ...


... 6s; and Cucumbers, id to 8d each—Mulberries, Gd to Is per pottle—Table Greengages, is to 2s; Orleans Plums, Is to 2s 3d ; Salad 2d,; and Mushrooms, 8d to 10d per punnet—Filberts, 4d to 10d; Hothouse Grapes, 2s to 3s 6d ; out-doors, 4d to 8d; and Pine ...

476 17 3 The amount of disbursements was .. 375 7 7 Cash in the treasurer's hands .. 101 9 8

... and 12 dessert ditto; 18 table, 18 dessert, arid 12 tea spoons; four gravy spoons, a pair of sugar tongs, a fish slice and salad fork, a soup ladle, a mustard pot and spoon, and three decanter stands. He carried off, also, a lady's gold watch with two ...


... per score—Mushrooms, 6s to Ss per dozen pottles--Strawbaries, 4d to 9tl per pottle, Radishes, 2d to 4d per dozen hands—Small Salad, 2s per dozen punnets. LEARNED MEETINGS tbr the ENSUING WEEK Geographlical Society Nine p.m. Institution of Civil Engineers ...


... Savoys, 6d to 10d; and Red Cabbages, 2s to 35 63 per dozen—Asparagus, 2s to Ss ; Sprew Grass, Is tid to 2s per bundle—Small Salad, 2d to 4d; anti Sea Kail, 6d to Is 3d per punnet—Lettuces, Id to is per score—Turnip Greens, 6d per bushel — Mushrooms, Is ...


... iof Real Turtle, contain- 40 Dish e s of Al m on d Pastry / 1 ,44 20 Chantilly Sherbet Go Dishes of Mince Pies k of Fish 56 Salads. ,R,L,. Tlirkeys and Oysters I THE REMOVES. 4 bi,h‘Pllllets (I b i ° t . r 1 80 Roast Turkeys k i ? 3 6 Leverets p r i ...