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Bristol, England

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... I'GLIJ3H CUILD1RUN IN SLAVERY.. A PITIFUL STORY. Ur, Littler, Q.O,, writes to the London morning ei journals ai follows :-Truth is admittedly stranger than W fictIon. Nevertheless, had I been told the following story three months ago I could hardly have ...

Original Poetry

... orgilnail VPatrop. ON THE ANTI-SLAVERY MEETING Of to-day, hastily dissolved, as no business could be done in conse- quence of the clamour of a certain party inimical to the object of it, but which, though smothered, no man can say wvas still-born. I will ...


... the tyrant dare not bring his slave. PROTEST A(GAINST SLAVERY. The following declaration of the Independent, Baptist, and Methodist Ministers, in the county of Dorset, on the subject of colonial slavery, has been handed to us for inser- tion by a correspondent ...

Poets' Comer

... exist, might reduce to slavery all the born subjects of the King, as justly as any par- ticular p6rtion of them; that, while in) Rssia civil death has been awarded as antt appropriate punishment for high treason, and in Algiers slavery is substituted for ...


... 'T'hat lucid pearl-a treasure lear: The essence of thy joy,-thy sighing. W. K. £)N THIE BILL FORTHE' GRADUAL ABOLIrION OF SLAVERY. And is this all ? this law of bondage made In the high, sacred name of liberty: This fantasy, this shadow of a shade, This ...


... deed, From Judith's valour stern, Thv unobtrusive claims to plead, With partial joy I turn. Thou wvast not call'd, from slavery's yoke To set thy country free; The svren wile, the deadly stroke, Weie never dealt by thee. Bv deeds which all may imitate ...

Poets' Corner

... coy, Lurk deadliest spells th' enamoured heart to blight, Infelt, the soul's high freedom to destroy, And plunge it in his slavery's darkest night. Then scorn the boy, and shun his wreathy chain; For Beauty's magic wove the fatal flowers, Culled by her ...


... not more, domestic slavery-that is, the buying and selling of God's image-as in the parent states of America, over which flaunts the fa of liberty. It is difficult to see the neces- SitV or the justice Int negro who eseapes from slavery on one side, crossing ...

Original Poetry

... rn'ek'd at your grualis arsrl insulted your Ciod. Ye haave solseoh le It not your offspring be Born heirs to the chains of slavery, Toiling with pairs the flsrilage to wviln, That a straiger mosy gather the hliarvest ill. Ye have daughters-they live but ...


... commonwealth; and signifies that the candidate is, -if possible, fonder of slavery than the slaveholders themselves, and, that le will be ready to do any shameful work which slavery is too proudeor too ositi to do for itself.. By the death of. General Harrison ...


... thee art reea ing Truths which glow in Freedom's light. Not In outwora seeming only Art then spotless, white, arld fair, Slavery's touch hsatis never cursed thee, Freedom, lo tier arms, trath nursed thee, And bestow'd a beauty rare. Freemen greiw the ...

Poets' Corner

... * Oipress'd in sorrow, and disgrace, Whiat bitter tears bedew each Spaniard's face, To see their noble sons despised, And Slavery mar what Virtue prized! But hark! that voices with potent charis, QUIOGnA! PIMEO! calls, and not in vain: The heroes' souls ...