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Poets' Corner

... lie thy .nsosall their deeds unavailing; The day-st~ir of' l1pe set in liarkness and wailiig, The triumphs of Freedom to Slavery turii'd Was it for THIS weC defied the fierce stralnger? no- tsins a tie the Bandls f the ;losnttain arrav'd? 1as the Son ...

Poets' Corner

... lie thy qon-sill their deeds unavailing; The day-star ot'l Ilopeset in darkncss and ssailing, The triumphs of Freedom to slavery turn'd ! WaVs it for TvIS we defied the fierce stranger? For THIIS were the Bands of the Mountain array'd? Ilas the Son, for ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... their b~irth,.their, adunirahlei powvers of body and mlind fettered and frozen by th e hand of despotism i Al around tiem is slavery aind ignorance; to them reminni alone thlejos'l of holding cosiverse with thle wise and thegaood of departcd time, and tise ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... orCespedes At noon-tide mused ;-%vhuii I remember these Or other hallow'd namses, and see'thee n7z Shrouded in ignordnei'and slavery,- 0 Cordoba I my spirit weeps o'er thee, And burnirig blushes kiudle'on my brow. (a) While the majority of the most distinguished ...

Poets' Corner

... * Oipress'd in sorrow, and disgrace, Whiat bitter tears bedew each Spaniard's face, To see their noble sons despised, And Slavery mar what Virtue prized! But hark! that voices with potent charis, QUIOGnA! PIMEO! calls, and not in vain: The heroes' souls ...

Illut. 11-11 51 ear

... the patriot and sage, The lone light of mind in a barbarous ige- The ark of bright Freedom that saved her for mill . When S.lavery's delugte the carth cvrraial. The parent of h -rocs-thc bravest aid beet '[liat o'er smote the plilrage from, Tyranny's cren ...

Poets' Corner

... laid, And the vengeance of ages has whetted its blade. Eartlh may hide-waves engulph-fire consume us, But they shall not to slavery doom us: If they rule, it shall be o'er our ashes and graves; But we've smete them already with fire on the waves, And now ...

Poets' Corner

... her 1Freedom's bright tuft Set on her desolate shore. Ov'er the blue waves of' Salamis, then Over grey MAarathon's plain, Slavery homr'd down the spirits of snen, W\hose farthers all earth could not ehain5 Vet, Greece !ini that night of thy bosndage and ...

Poets' Corner

... merciless hand: Rlememnber that day wvhenl ye rush on the foe, With y'our brethreni of G reece, to lasy tyranny low. When slavery settled around And Greece wept in chains and disgrace, Then the tyrant look'd to your mountains and found Nso stase of the ...

Poets' Corner

... Mvarathon. Lisudl of Freedom, can you see Thle sons of Freemen live as slavest Can you see the heroes' graves rrofan'd by vilest slavery; Can you bear it Britons? NO. Then rise at once and crush the fhr,. Itaste or e'er the stvtiggle's done, Sons of Britain mneet ...

Review of Literature

... havc small art: he Who neither wvishes to be bound nor bind, May still expatiate-freely, as will 1, Nor give my voice to slavery's Jackall cry. That's an appropriate simile, that Jarkoll;- I've heard them in the Ephesian ruins hoIst Bv night, as do that ...

Poets' Corner

... prey. Spaniard! wear yotr galling fetters, Creep from do ngeomis to the tomb; sEtperstitiols's curse is o'er vou, Round yoe Slavery's lpoi;on'd gloom. Slaves, sahen once their bonds are broken, Should thev have the hearts Ci mnen, Every forin of death would ...