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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... you have both written letters to the Secretary of the Belfast Anti-Slavery Society, accepting the pledge, which has been demanded by that body, as to an immediate abolition of slavery. You well know, that in the sense of the AntidSlavery Society, immediate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Committee of the Belfast Auxiliary Anti-Slavery Society, in such a way as to lead the public to suppose that I approved of a resolution ol that body declaring your reply to their circular on the sub. ject of Slavery not s.fitisctorut. I feel it but due to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE ON SLAVERY. I\ fR. J. WATKINS, A.F., WILL DELIVER l his THIRD 1LECTURE on AMERICAN SLAVERY THIS E¢VENING (THURSDAY), in the C0RN EXCHANGE. Chair to be taken by Mr. J. PENI, at Half-past Seven o'Clock. Doors Open at Seven. AomIssIox-Front Seats ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPOTTEN & CO 22, ROSEMARY-STREET, BELFAJV. 190 TO- MORROW EVENING. AVNTI-SLAVERY MEETING. THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC MEETING 1of the Friends and members of the l1ie Anti- Slavery Society held, on TUE:SDAY (',miow) Evening next, the 21st, in L THIE PRESBYTERIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lecture To-Womow, NEGRO SLAVERY. A COURSF of LECTURES on N'EGRO .AVERY wvill be deliverel, under the Djivin, bletasi, in the LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL-HOTSE b 81D Rev. C. SrUART, as ollowsviz.:- yte 2. WEDNESDAY, 29th D. nOfparative oi_ 8 aJdstic t Jndp0-i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... delivcr an address, on tho subject of Methodismn in Amuerica, and the position of the iN'rtlhern Chlllrclh, in referoneco to Slavery in tho U'litCd Stntes.. Belf:tst, 6th Jul!,. 1S57. 2185 MINISTEIIS' MONEY AND TIHE IRISlI CITUICII MISSIONS. muu vOTE.S OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'I' I IE pil' SS. antd to bo Publiolsh irnmmo(a ta D Rve~'illt of -An AD)DRESS to the A IAII 'Ill:RCliES on the suhjeoct of SLAVERY, by o r,. J AMlE S MIOfiGAN. I~l~ast: W, M\I&Couttl. (490 SWAI ETY r()R PROVIDING ANNUITIES FOR TIIE F lWIj)OvVS AND CHILDREN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... system of Slavery, and are constrained to express our opinion, that the British Churches should refuse the right han(d of Christian fellowship to such members of the Churches of America as shall continue to be participators in the sil of Slavery. Aloved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at SEVEN o'!lock. Ilipoitant information on the results of Emancipation in the British Colonies, also on the condition of slavery in the United States of America, will be given by lie }IOD, 1. G. Ilirnoy, ll 13. Stanton, and John Scoble, Esq. who visit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inst. I The Chair to he taken at SEVE ~Cloek. Several Gentlemen will address the Meeting on the present state of the Anti-slavery question. - April t~, JAMES CARLILE, Secretary. .-April 9th,, 1SSS. (551 A itti-Slaeerjy Conidlltee-Jioom. V * 1ccting T§-I$Iri*ow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Operations of the AM.ERIICAN COLONIZATION SOc TY. The Lecture to comineneXat SEVEN o'clock. The Friends of the ArloLITIoN of SLAVERY are respectfully requested to attend. '(9 WILYLL OPEN ON Ed IODAY NEXT. WHOLESALE MANCHIESTER, SILK, AND TI1USNIMC V WAREIOUSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... published by the Committee of the Anti-Slavery Society:- CCrawfordsburn, Oct. 21. 1832-. Sir-I have only this day had the honour of receiving your letter of the 19th inst. -requesting, on the part of the Anti-Slavery Society, to be informed whether, in ...