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Lancashire, England


Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Poetical Selections

... in vain ; 2 ace shall be none on Earth while Tyrants reign rr iisulted Reason scorns the hollow breath- C( 2I..r Peace is Slavery, and your.Rest i, Deatb! fi Hinevens dearest Gifts, in your accursed hands, ai lre turn'd to Poisons, and corrupt the Lands: ...


... distant ages had echoed thypraise. ?? How often has freedom her vit's ies to mourn, When the swnord whilchhad sever'd vile slavery's chain, ly the traitor's perricidal hand has been drawnn, But to rivet mure firmly the fetters again I Yet no evil onmingled ...

Poetical Selections

... And since oi earth you always thought, And liv'd, as Reason's votary ought; From narrow prejudices free, Visdaimng mlental slavery; To no one spot of bliss confin'd, Range wheresoever you're inclin'd; To you Heaven's countless wonders known, Its pleasures ...


... Dispelled the bhgbear terrors of his name, y Nations, in his despite, unconquer'd, free, t- And burst the last strong links of slavery ;t A Despair, and shame, and sorrow, wing'd their dart, G of And lodged their rankling venom in his heart. ( o- Nor wife, ...

To the EDITORS of the Liverpool Mercury

... frenzied strite, ( To save that worthless tbhig-a sinner's life ? Hard is the task to renovate the mind E Too long to sinful slavery resigned; Yet has an awful warning pass'd on those Who think a brother doomed to endless woes; I And many a wretch untimely ...

Poetical Setections

... it is enongh to know Ni Thou standest in Old Salum. But if char.ce h 'Twas thy misfortune in some ?? land the Inheritor of slavery to be born, t e Reatd, and be enviousa! Dost thou see yon hut, he Its oid anl mossy walls with many a patch to I Spetted? ...


... dili riot, on the regal war, sa Gleain'o like a pale malignant star That ?? some shapeless shade on high, tl The Lucifer of Slavery. hi Beneaith his fatal it:flu-eice came C Proud tyraltts, of the foulest name, c( Whose reekiig hatids were late imbued Ia ...


... coalition's might: lndign~jt, from suchs force, seem Justice turn'd-. fehfstt'd them victors, hut their prowess epurn'd; Whilst Slavery's traumpet scream'd along the skies- i' Bhold where Freedom-coflqitr'(l Freedom-dies. Weep, Freerisen, weep ;-shed tears ...


... ' here lie thy ?? their deeds unavailing; The day-star of Hope set in darkness and wailing, The triumnphs of Freedom to Slavery turn'd! Was it for THtIS we defied the fierce stranger ? For THSs were the Bands of the Mountain array'd ? Has the Son, for ...


... Give each noble spirst way, Hronour's path is spread brfore you, - Bright with Virtue's purest ray! - Thousands wbelm'd in 'slavery's gloom, - Raised to you their cheerless eye, And Freedom, from her Inca's tomb, Calls to you to heed their cry. cooitus.- ...


... 'iallthe yfrest,, nbtest i le ' : 3:,;hh ie vardnnt~~oseso Siie ?? : & , Thme, e r thti once were'fdi , . hgrn chamns of slave-ry. ?? :- - 1 Gnespotof~A . theercenclait, tre fro the page ef Englatid'B stor - renrih the recordls of; lier.ory, t 'ktn; and ...