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... Which trembling Oppression shall view from afar; Let its lighlt shine the herald of Liberty's day, fill the dark night of slavery vanish away. Oh, that blot on the nations! how deep is its stain ! How long shall its odious vestige remain? IHow long shall ...


... Renowned ST. GEORGE bears sway; And all unite to drink to WALES, Upon ST. DAVID's DAY! Then fill each glass, &c. - SONNETS ON SLAVERY. By RobertSoutfsey, rL. D. Poet Laureatc, 4-e. SONNET It. Why dost thou beat thy breast and rend t0ine hair, And to the deaf ...


... Egerton Smith, in his M speech tit the Music-hall on Monday se'nnight, that I the only public meeting, on the subject of slavery, which ar had taken place in Liverpool, previous to that day, was T one for the purpose of petitioning against the abolition ...


... ,,am I :Potty)-) - , SONNET ON SLAVERY. By Robert Southeg, L.L.D. Poet Laureate, 4c. Oh. he is worn with toil! the big drops ran Dowin his dark cheek; hold-hold thy nerciless hand, Paletyrant ! for beneath thy hard comnmand O'er'Wearied nature sinks. ...


... argumessts el tO Weredin sarcasm. They affirmed that nona in which the bulk of the people were l ad ?? if we raise a man from the slavery of B t necessarily make him a philosopher ? Had that da ve these institutions any intention so absur L 1 rierds , vwell known ...


... hostilities by building abridge of boats across Harpers with the hoary head, Your strains of fearless freedom pour, For Slavery's fost shall never tread On Cambzia's mountains more. Wake your song of victory! W ale your song of victory! 1Edward's head ...


... of thy freedom, long.set, rose at last, To chase in Wis might every cldsid froni thy sky; Aate Ilw tha long night of thy slavery's past, f ' ong. Iong may he reign the as'cendant on. high! .3each spot where their aneestor's vanquishl'd, sublime * %it'y ...


... bird found a nest, And the reptile a home. t NECRO SILVERY, AND ANTI SLAVERY MONTHLY RBa PORTEtR.--For some months we have been regularly favoured with the numbers of the Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter,--a most interesting and valuable publicattou, written ...


... the cause ! Follow !-faithful, firm, confiding,- Spread our wrongs from shore to shore; Mlercy's God your efforts guiding, Slavery shall be known no more. SUSANNAH WATTS. ...


... prize, to That all are eager to obtain, Then surely sad it is to see alc Our country pine in slavery. be Hibernia long hath felt the thrall dis Of gloomy slavery's galling sway. ouC And long and loud has been the call en To wipe the shameful stain away; ...


... leis i v speech, if he would support the petitions now preparing against E e slavery, he instantly rose, and with much feeling and animation E e said. - I am an enemy to slavery. of whatever kind. and under F whatever colour or form it may exist on the ...


... TBY 1OIN MACKAY WILSON. CisoRUs.-Reform is routing them a' them a'! Refbrm is routhig them a'! Aild Bigotry's dieing ! an' Slavery's feeinh! An' Liberty's shouting, lihzal huzza u YE are thle ivale o' Kings, Willie Ye lire the wale o' Kings' Glade Freedom ...