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From the CftrUhati'iei {pagajtnt

... defpife the Revelation of God. But what rational Man will think thit ftrange ?? He found a Female willing to fubmit to the Slavery of hit Dominion : She brought him three Children, and happily was Ibon freed from her Captivity. The elden Son continued a ...

On a much-admir'd young Lady

... Heart away. Beware, ye fiee unguarded Youths, beware * View not a Face fo dangeioii lly fair. One fix d Regard coinenc.s slavery • Who can behold, and boatt of Liberty } ...

London, May 22

... Commander of the Bafilifk. We hear that Treaty is upon the Carpet for redeeming thelmall Number of Chriitians remaining in Slavery in Barbaiy. His Maiefty's Ship the Terpficliore, from the Eaft-Indies, arrived at Plymouth, and' has in under her Convoy the ...

The Folly of Parsons priding themselves upon their noble Descent, without Means to support it, in the Story of ..

... Education, whofe Mind, are poifoned with falle Pride, that Induftry generally meets with Succefsj that in England Service is no Slavery ; nor is it any grace, but rather Honour to any one, betheii Birth or Education what will, to a Servant, when it becomes neceffary ...

Extract from Mr. ??? Letter to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of London. n ''^ orme rly an Alderman cj

... dangerous ProJpcrity, which had almoft undone Great-Britain, and threatened her and all the States of Europe with French Slavery, under univerfal Monarchy} do you not know, I fay, that the People are in PofTeflion of an undoubtedJßight, as antient as ...

London, April 23

... s Government. bat the expofing private Houfes to entered ,nlo fearched at PUafure, by Perfons unknown, null be a Badge of Slavery upon his People. That the Petitioners, firmly confiding in his Majejly s Fan:our, and filled ivith a moft humble and grateful ...

their Servant, I owe to thefe Gentlemen Explanation of my Coiuluft on this Occafion and as a Man not forgetful

... themfelves. you will have Liberty and Riches, you mud have Bribery and Corruption. What Expedient then more natural than mine ? Slavery and Poverty will kill thofe Vermin, which are preying the very Heart and Soul of our Conditution. How then can we fuiEciently ...

The People were condemned to one Parliament during the Life of King George the Firft again, one Parliament ..

... conJlitutio/iis- -die highest a I E(ta,blilh Slavery by Laiv* for tfcn or twelve ears, an«l the very Eftabliilicj not only perpetuate itfelf, but, as the drowning Son pulls his Father under Water, wou'd that Slavery overwhelm Britain. At the Entrance into ...

Published: Thursday 08 September 1763
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 563 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Anecdote of the famous SyDNEY. [From the LONDON URING Mr. 5ydney’s Stay in Fiance, one Day hunting with the French

... affefled to the Land ‘Tax. When I confider our Situation, I think we have many Privileges, and, at the fame Time, a Badge of Slavery impofedon us. On my ten Brace of Hares, and two Coveys of Partridges: They have all eat ¢f my Corn and Grafs; and I believe ...

A Man is never lefs alone than when alone. THE Motto which I have rhofe as proper for this Eflay,

... among Number ot Companions ; I am therefore often Unprized, when I fee the Generality of the World run, : nto a voluntaiy Slavery, and from a falfe Notion of enjoying every Hour of their Life in Plealure, never know agreeable Moment in it. Whoever lives ...

Published: Thursday 22 December 1763
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 757 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

the Printer, READING lately Helvetius's ElTays the Mind, I was wonderfully pleafed with the following Advice ..

... Citizen, and bad Subjeft : A bad Father and bad Citizen, becauf'e he would load his Pofterity and his Country with the Chains Slavery and a bad Subjeft, becaufe changing a lawful for an arbitrary Authority, he is lummoning Ambition and Dcfpair againft a King ...