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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Diary of the Rfev.-J Williams-Obituary of Mr. Gcorge Grifflths-Of Mr. Doling. RELZGrCus ?? in Ruflia-WA.arn- ing agaiirft Slavery-Ordination of the-Rev. Mr. Craig-Meet. lng of A'iinifters at Wirflow -Efex Affociation-Hampfbird Affociation-Dcycription of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thernfelves iv n rht like wanner, to th' Armts and' Seduitlionst of Prance, hlave' loft boeh; *and Rfink in the moft debafing Slavery,. as Nations, and as indeiridu4ls, :But, if fueh niiguiaed peiffous have laiddlide their prejudices and deligos,. and llitous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC's ADVICE to his a BRF 1-HREN~ how ) o. c~itimate their praerit hutatilo, and repai Fiench Invafion, Civil Wars, and Slavery. By DENYS SCLI lAi, Efq. liarriferatLaw. Second Edition, revifed by tlie Author, with a Preface. London:-Printed byj. Girger ...

Advertisements & Notices

... relt; evcry Preeholder vho now votes may exultingly exclaim, i HA.VE RFSCUY.D Toe CiOUNry OF MIDDLESEX FRoM DIS- RAtCtE A.' SLAVERY, AND AFFORLDED A NOBLE: AND ENCOU- RAGING kitAMiLE 70 'I'l)E ELECrOts OL GREATr BRITALNO1 TilE SOVKtsIGRN PowER OF V'IRITLe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aforesaid Narrative of Events, &c. &e. IHlOR ROR3 of SL.AVERV.-This dav is published, price is. TH~i:HORRORS of the NEGRO SLAVERY, existingin our West Indian Island3, irrefragablydemnon- strated from official docunments recently prestnted to the House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pulblica Uns, as well as ppoular Pamphlets. 11'RR RS of SLAVER £-)his day is Publishied, price YS. r r1, oORRORS af the NEGR.O SLAVERY, .Ln osvvx~issing in ourr West TndlianiMe T4 ,,e!5 mgazblv demon- strated from official documents recentlv presented to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lntroduton of-ettets and Religien te its Inhabitants; but ,nu ore pas'ticularhy as the Measis ot gradually abolislhing Africaza Slavery, By Captain PHILIP B'EAVR, R. N. . lliustrated xy a Map of the Wiestern Coast of Africa, and Plans . of 'e.Blokhonise eresled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qsreiftsos;tal of Selkeirk on Eissigratio!-i od's Spincer-Thisbault'Memeiibei de Frederic le Gri'd-The Horrors of Negro Slavery. Printed=frLongmansi Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-: I'bw; and A. Constable aand Cq?, Edinburnh, Of whom may e' had, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Intro- dhdtciozr of Letters aird Religiuir to ite Inihirntanur; bua mrcrre particuliarly as tire Mle.urs ol' grduaily ?? Slavery. ?? By Capt. Pll l!.tP IE'VER, R. N. Illustrated by a Map rif the Wessern Coast of Africa,arnd iPlates. --Printed fur C. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thse lass we all deplore, and to restore free- 0 t'Iecounltry? If aslch is your determnination, if you prefer liberty to slavery, wn aio can doubt is, %,.iil you isesitate for a stioacit itl chloos- Ing Sir, Fraiscis Burdatt? A dissolutiton of Parlianment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it will be found more particularly worthy of the attention of those who wish to add to their information with respedl to slavery and West India diseeses.-Lit. Journal, May {8o6. This day is published, price as. 6d. FALSE ALARMS ior, My COUSIN, a Comic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Laws and Criminal A, tf Punishments; the S8tate of Agriculti~re, Ceinmerne, Manufac- re ontures, Religion, Arts, Sciences, Slavery rind the Slave Trade, fu Poi- togcthaer with Biographical Particulkrs of Public-Charafters,; a as Vinw of the Rise and Progress ...