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... suffering race. Hearts of tiie nature's bearing, , The honest, brave, and free ?? swrsi before approving heaven The doom; of slavery. The virtuoue sou'spolluted, And erth is filed -with shame; That man should buy his fellow man, And feel nor guilt nor blame ...


... God lifts to-day the veil and shows The features of the demon I O North and Soutb, Its victims both, Can ye not cry, Let slavery die ? And union find in freedom ? What though the ust-out spirit tew The nation In his golug, We who have ha the guilt must ...


... TIRED OF A SLAVERY LIFE. Dr. Wynn Westcott held an inquest on Thurs- day, at South Hornsey, on the body of Grace Tenr, 20 years old, a domestic ?? Terry, residing at 20, Raydon-street, Highgate New Town, the widow of an undertaker, and mother of the ...


... native plain,, 1 am free! I am free ! and I never will be In slavery again I Asthe swallow skims. as he swiftly gims O'er the glassy plain, I am free! I am free! and I never will be In slavery again ! As the lion stalks, in his forest walks, His homage ...


... coalition's might: lndign~jt, from suchs force, seem Justice turn'd-. fehfstt'd them victors, hut their prowess epurn'd; Whilst Slavery's traumpet scream'd along the skies- i' Bhold where Freedom-coflqitr'(l Freedom-dies. Weep, Freerisen, weep ;-shed tears ...


... Comle, then, that bright and benignant time, When LIBERTY S blessed BELL, All earth re-echoing it, shall chime Slavery's final knell; And Slavery's dreary tales be told, As asmythic-page of old! - ...


... prize, to That all are eager to obtain, Then surely sad it is to see alc Our country pine in slavery. be Hibernia long hath felt the thrall dis Of gloomy slavery's galling sway. ouC And long and loud has been the call en To wipe the shameful stain away; ...


... did more. V It repealed all the previous legiasative limitations of Inc Slavery, back to the celebrated Ordinance of' Joly 13 I'l 1787, Styled unalterable, which excluded slavery from~ the Pis territory north-west of the Ohio. Thle uise of the term PI' ...


... JIF gtr . = C ON THE BILL FOR THE GRADUAL ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. And is this all? This law of ?? made In the high, sacred name of Liberty; * This fantasy, this shadow of a shade, t This slow, sad, tedious change; and can it be That this ignoble measure ...


... cause. t Follow, faithful, firn, confiding, na Spread our wrongs from shore to shore, i Mercy's God your elforts guidirg wi Slavery sball bs known no'more. to ...


... the cause ! Follow !-faithful, firm, confiding,- Spread our wrongs from shore to shore; Mlercy's God your efforts guiding, Slavery shall be known no more. SUSANNAH WATTS. ...