Advertisements & Notices

... Dreams. Printeq by and for AM. Jonps, S, Newgate-street, Price as. A L FR E D; ,r, The Touchstone -of Party. . - LocxZ, OR SLAVERY. 'This work points out the only plan for prevenrin2 a Revq. lution.-Rtev. Sold by Lewis, 3erusalem-passage, Saint John's-square ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the brig, mahe, slaves te of thle Aeteriean seamsen oin beard her', declare War 'M atigilnst the Americans, and put iato slavery tiet crovss 2z ofanl, !4tltAnw;~ ?? IVessels t~hattraght be captured .-Tlhe Q0uiienl, after a resideance of wany years at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reduced the people of France, tieat they have been compelled to close the sanguinary conflict by subititting to the abject slavery of military despo. tism. l'o uritrask tie artifices, to defeat tIe desinls of factious derina;ogues, aurql to save, as far ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fallen to lst ?? Nairoti Iit Europe. t fita feel''hti the samne ardent love of Civil and Religions Li- U ~;lii testation of Slavery whishl animated tile breasts'of li ?? cattiot htlt tl~el :!lar'nd at any attempts iiaethe pistlitic IT power of Rtoman Castholics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that iinisber are now iaritintaired arid eicatled by t the Strciety: orarry of these Cirildiri abve beeri redeertied from Slavery. It also.coitrrtilutsa large siriu anirnually A Dto a Corresponrdinrg Coimrittee at C:alcutta ; ai ctosider- a'rie part if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S- I rtt t % 2inJosctitIp cr offloc-ut, Isill basew Lite prtnatiees -; SC. l pi r ct' t-I ?? I-r it y be had of .1essrs. Slavery tancd Soit, It Mst ~t SothItt li`t ,d, neap ltbtty Dvn who sac aithtorizeth cyrn It tt':t it'U slet ccty It'a'vl Conittraitf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... orl State necessitys can Justify atty cotapaltiltwelatwvo States, sehich s haS for its objeat' to eni- t:lil naisety and Slavery oil tiae Iillhahlcaillits taf mlnntier caountry. iii in'Iliat thi raitoritiasn to Fratacc by thisl rounatay of Coanlianie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )farticularly lit pur- a ss.ance of this pnpncicle, 'that no Colony yet renaining iii the n ptssession of Great Britain, wlierein Slavery ritsts, should be P ceded to any other powver, witheut reiuf ring an express ttilt- 'lotion for rehhziqoishiug the Sla~re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... unjust andt inibsman to our unfortunate ercrcatewiss, ao Lre torn from their kindred and countr M.n ruced to a state oii slavery; asI excitiesg to the most Sd Ige %yars and atrocities the nati ves sr Africa',destroying every of their improvement, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEWIS GORDON, Dep. Sec. Highland Society Chambers, Edinburgh,) 28, South Frederick Street, 15th July 1814. 3 MITIGATION OF S;LAVERY/ Ey thei late Honourable J. STEErr, of Barbadoes, and Dr W. Dickson, of London, R R E respectfully informed, that the Wkork ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to rebel. lion, and, by the help of a little dexterity, become 'parriots They may. talk of foreign troops, subjuga- .lon, slavery, and national disgrace, words of potent f efficady, when used to inflame the passions of a people, and even. iffea to pity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bill1, introdurcerl into thre Eiouse of L',ortiaors, ?? 1rreveetiit tire ?? ?? of'Slaves, arid the hili in.g Creepersorts irr slavery in the British Colonies, a.s reitdrnimenried lay tire said Orrtered,.-Tlrat the Sail Crinina tce have polver to tend for' ...