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JOURNALS OF LIBERTY. From WEDNESDAY June the zd, to FRIDAY June the 4th, 1773

... in the about what is doing with us. as the Readers the Parit Gazette t in which, to keep/the People in Temper under their Slavery, remember to have been a Detail of Vidlory, with the Atclibintop’s Man,lenient for the ftngmg Dtum when, in Reality the Enemy's ...


... which, for Elegancn and modern Tafte, eicell ready made in this Kingdop, and are/rom 5». to |I, ! ; they Ire light, hear any Slavery, never require Drefiine, noi loole their Foim in the leaf!. Ht the bell manufaftured Wigs, for Clergymen, Lawyers, and others ...

[ 298 ]

... Elegance and modern Tafte, c*cell any ready made in this Kingdom, and are from s ...

high park

... which, for Elegance and modern Ttfte, excell anv ready made in this and are fn m S». 10 ll * * » lh . y quite light, bear any Slavery, never require noi lonic their Foim the leall. He lella the maauiaclurcd Wigs, for Clergymen, Lawyers and others, a* uloal ...

hiuh r a r k

... nd which* for and modeirt Tafte, excel! any ready made in thi* and are from td. to il. t*. 9d.; they are light, bear any Slavery, never require effing* noi loofe their Form the aft. He I'elU the belt manufattured Wigs, for Clergymen, Lawyer*, and other* ...


... Elegance and modim TalVe, exctll any ready made in this Kingdom, and are from §s. to il. %>■ 9d.; they a c quite light, hear any Slavery, never require l)i tiling, noi looie their Foiro the lealt. lelU the belt manuiadturctl Wigs, for Clergymen, Lawyen., and ...

I 358 ]

... and T'atte, extcll any ready dude in this Kingdom, and art- fr'.m 5 . jd. to tl. a . yd.; they arc quite li,;ht, bear any. Slavery, never requite Diclhn •, look' their in the leall. i« ils the bill itiartutacVur* d Wigs, tor Clergymen, Lawyers, and others ...

To B K So L D,

... Tooother H..d.!d.e„ea, (of main which a.,1 { V ., tA v;* j . , ‘. • : rr.n’.e in Kuif.if m, and from 3., ,i. ~ , , l Slavery, never reqtrirl, no, loofe i r„.,n i„ tlie leall. He fell, ne tnrt m.n.f.0,.,,,, ;ir cieift.inen, I .w--rr , ,*‘ UlU ...

T O I’. I* I. I. T for GRA/ I v. Ci,

... Elegance and modern Ttlle, eacell any ready made this Kingdom, and are from j*. to 1 1. a-, they are tjuite light, hear any Slavery, never require nor lode their in the tell? the bell mamitactured Wiga, for Clergymen, Lawyer*, and other*., as ulna I. He ...

T Ob t I. V. 1 tor GKA/. I N G,

... legance and troicin Talte, excell ant ready made in thi* KinptU.m, and are turn ss. 1. I*. y.l-t tl ey are quite hear any Slavery, never requite UiefTing, r.Ol looie I'orm in the lealL He lells the bc-li Wrgs, for Clergymen, avtyti«, and other*, ulna! ...

From MONDAY July the 26th, to WEDNESDAY July the 28th, 1773

... aicbtul Guardian of our Rights i Is it probable that the 4!!y —the Friend —the Brother of Lord Townlltend Name that implies Slavery in the Sound) will ever inlpircd with Scnle owes to his Country f—Or from his late Alliance with Scottilh Family ...