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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... Liverpool, February 20. 1847. ADMITTED. I DISCHARGED. Fcvcrand smallpox 31 I Cured M-dical and surgical wards. 41 ' Relieved 13 ward. 4 Died 12 Lock wad9 RKMAINI.VO TH HOSPITALS. Fevcrand smallpox 1?. ! Medical and surgical wards Lying-inwards 13 Lock wards ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTATION OF SMALLPOX FROM SOUTBPORT INTO HASLINGDEN DISTRICT. SOUTHPORT AND SMALLPOX. TG THE EDITOR OF THE MfA£ICRB5TRR GUARDIIA-N. Sir,-An inspector of the Haslingden rural sanitary authority having reported four cases of smallpox at Heh.shore to ...


... FEVER AND WORKHOUSE HOSPITALS. Liverpool, June 12,1847. ADMITTKD. DISCHARGED. Fever and smallpox 181 Cured 80 Medical and surgical wards. 57 Itelieved Lying-in wards Died 63 Lock wards 71 REMAINING THK HOSMTALS. small pox Mediealand surgical wards 3 0 ...


... lb. was obtained for a clip of 27 bales of fine unwashed wool. Trade is slightly improved Port Elizabeth. In the eastern smallpox is spreading among the Kaffirs. The electric wire is in oourse of suspension between King William's Town and the port of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abatement either in tho number pf persons attack4d by smallpox in the metropols or.]icO the severe'type of t-he disease. The hospitald at, Homerton are quite full. The total number of deaths from smallpox durink'the lest thirteen weeks is 2400, representingnot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toots, who mest be sutferings from the limted number of visitors this ?? dlolsbt from the exagger; ted reports in t Fpring of smallpox, whitob has nearly disappeared. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 167C7 5g ad _ ith FEVER AND WORKHOUSE HOSPITALS, fi rer LivewroOl, NOvember 7, 1846. t he AsDMirrurc - isarn. t on- Feverand smallpox. C Cured. in Medical and surgial 4 Rlieve ?? . 9 t Lyig-i ards. 5l~ Did . fa o~t~s W d ?? Fall RUMAINING IN THOSPTAL ?? 'he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIGHTS DISEASE OF TEE KIIDNEYS, DYSPEPSIA, COSTIVINESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, WANT OF APPETITE. TYPHUS AND SCA'LET FEVER- AND SMALLPOX; And, from tong observation and experience of the effects produced by BRANDRETI'8. PILLS Tonger bverage f lenea use would ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIGHTS DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. T)YSPPEPSA, 3COSTIVENESS, GENERAL DEBILITy, WANT OF APPETITE, TYPHUS AND SOARIE FEVER, AND SMALLPOX; -And. frtm long olservation and experience of the offectt produced by BRANDRETH'S PILLS, 'We believe their general use would ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF TEE KIDNEYS, DYSPEPSIA, COSTIVENESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, WANT OF Al'PET'ITE, TYPHUS AND SCAR LET FEVET, AND SMALLPOX; Aid, from long observation and experience of the effects produced by BRANDRETH'S PILLS, Wo beileve their general use wolid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, DMYSPFPSIA, COSTIVENESS, GENlIRAL DEBILITY, WANT OF APrETITE, TYPHUS AND SCARLET FEVER, AND SMALLPOX; And, irm long observation and experience of thoe eofots produccd by - BRANDRETH'IS PILLS, We believe their general usevwould ...