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Newcastle Courant

Advertisements & Notices

... all humours, whether contracted by too free living, or from jaundices, surfeits, scurvy. or humours after the measles or small-pox, &c. For all ob- stru'ctions in the intestines, and for the cure of womnis in bildren or adults, it wrill be found qearlsy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all humo'ors, whether contracted by too frue living, or from jaundice, surfeits, scurvy, or humours after the measles or small-pox, Sc. For all oh- structions in the intestines, and for the ciure of worms in children or adult., it will be found equally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... persuaded to take an imitalion or substairte. ?? ~ ,t t ?? * * * * * * * tet Jfe Safest and Surest Pro- , tec~toragainst Fers, Small-Pox? * Cholera, Diphtheria, and other In- * featious Diseases. * * * uDisinfectant* (Non-Poisonous) IZAL is much more easily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all humurs, vwhether contracted t'y too free living, or from jasndice, surfeits, scirvy, or humsours after the measles or small-pox, c. For all ob- structions in the intetones, and for the cure of worms ins children or adults, it will be found equally ...


... MULTUM IN PARVO. The Duke of Newcastle has been suffering from an attack of smallpox in Paris. The village of Sassello, in Piedmont, has just been entirely destroyed by fire. squadron of the Russian navy is to proceed on an experimental cruise in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... set apart as a fever hospital, 29 chil- dren. One of these was supposed toube suffering from scarlet fever, another from smallpox, and the existing arrangements to secure the isolation of these cases appeared to me to be utterly inadequate. Of the 27 ...


... stroyed by fire a few nights ago. The mortality iu Paris for the week ending July 9 shows I,ll9deaths, including 267 from smallpox. Woolwich, on Saturday, was, by the consent o the Home Secretary, reconstituted market town. The lunatic* «f Lambeth cost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eruptions, whe- p ther contracted by too free Living, Surfeits, or pros eedtng from Scurvy, or Humours after the Measles, Small-pox, &c. Price Is. ld th Btte 'SlUItlE's Original GRAND ELIXIR, for all fresh Colds, d Pains and Soreness of the Stomach, proceeding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... largsly read in the NEWCASTLE CQU;WXITA, * i~ } E* ** A** * }i* *| the Safest and Surest Pro- * tector against Feuers, Small-Pox? 1* * Cholera, Diphtheria, and other In l* * fectious Diseases. I- Disinfectant (Non-Poisonous) * IZA. is muneb niere easily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... blood from al humos, whether contracted by too free living, or from jaundice, scrfeits,scmvy, or homours after the meales or small-pox, . For all ob strutione in the intesetine, and for the sure of worm In childxen or adults, it will be found equaly seeviceable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all humours, whether contracted by too free living, or from jaundice, surfeits, scurvy, or humours after the measlee or small-pox, &c. For all ob structions in the intestines, and for the cure of worms in children or adults, it will be fognd equally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pitt in 166. I Isu7IsREr-A bill for Triennial Parliaments was passed in 12U4-. in the same Tear that Queen Mary died of the small-pox. It was vetoed by King William III. once, hut the second time it secured the Royal assent. AcNA.-Henry, from the German ...