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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer

THE YORKSHIRE POST AND LEEDS INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, IS7B. most economical in the world, on service ..

... strange as it may seem, is a consider.^ Ole Engli- i p irty :n Russia. These are the Russian Liberals, n»t XiailLts or Socialists, but men who see iu England re i -n of freedom all over the world, and great their l uiration of the English c institution ...

KOTES FROM FRANCE. [FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Paris, March 18. The situation of the French Ministry, despite ..

... the situation would greatly simplified. That drivelling maniac, Felix Pyat. the most cowardly and contemptible the French socialists—who certainly do count a few courageous men among them has had the audacity, despite capital condemnation hanging over his ...


... and a journalistwere set at liberty, but the others—among whom ate several foreigners—are still under lock and key. the Socialist party, I may mention that Btbel, the celebrated turner of Berlin, whom the Pnuaian Government have just set liberty after ...


... fanatical; but it is the same throughout. Whatever the particular aspect it may assume in different localities—Republican, socialist, anti-Christian —the principle that lies at (he root of it is a profound dissatisfaction with things as they arc, and a deep ...


... German Chancellor had aroused personal hostility his high-handed dealings with the Roman Catholic Church, but to Hbdel as a Socialist Democrat all churches must be equally hateful, and personal hostility to the Emperor is out of the question. The wretched ...


... in the name of the Christian Social Working Men’s Party, a declaration, according to which Hoedel joined the Christian Socialists on the 2Uth of April, attended their meetings, and voluntarily and without payment distributed their tracts, especially ...


... J’*J mind with gloomy and nervous apprehenuov. titA was doubtless alone in ills enterprise, wbi-h ■-a Frew I‘rcsse, the Socialistic paper here, hi' *-7“i criminal, but he was nevertheless the j education and his surroundings, and society isf m possibility ...


... arrangement.', to be celebrated on the 21th of August. The measure submitted by Prussia the Gorman Federal Council against Socialistic agitation is entitled “A Bill for the llepression Social Democratic Excesses.” The bill contains eight paragraphs, and provides ...


... Evening. The popular meeting of ~) Ci al Democrats, which was to have been held here for' fc election of delegates the Socialist Congress in has been prohibited the prefect of police. Acc»r n g to the National Gazelle this evening the ,) Council has ...


... May Kaeninjr. Tlie German Pari lament pnioeeded day wittk debate on the rewling of the (»overnm*nt bill tor preventing Socialist excesses. An by Gueist and H-selar. to the hrst olan.- tdia bill, was negatived by votes against 00. and clausa I was su ...