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Southend Standard and Essex Weekly Advertiser




Essex, England


Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England

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Southend Standard and Essex Weekly Advertiser

. Tx& /lats—,3)ttaq:lll49lllor-

... therm the &Seim a less measure—of such orators as and Pox. Their efforts .. fw e r e 1= 1106, b7 elemests—thei. pertheir _ speaking countenances, tones of voice, their entrao, ind their words. In the sainted form the words sic a se rvati Gold memosisis ...

$ diM sib Oil vie to* ftweivesirlb sue deessonla To a large numbs: ed :added In Lambs. the lannoessoseent that

... Westminster a more than usually numerous contingent of the advocates of the United Kingdom Alliance. The repdrts from Vies, speak of the gradual progress which is being made in the completion of the Exhibition, which, like our International eleven years ...


... ocelownare was concluded, sail the sent of the Val= for the Wigan dishict was the thet arnattes examked of those who ass to speak on behalf of the men. He has himself beena world:4 co i l ier, although he now holds shares in a colliery. He spoke much more ...


... so we infer that the darkness of death shall end in the light, of the resurrection and of immortal life. Spring is another speaking emblem. In winter, all vegetable nature is apparently dead. but what a transformation comes with the advent of Spring ! Nature ...

Mr. Pickard, spat of the colliers for Wigan, was the other witness. and he le the first person examined A FEW ..

... Englishman, a true gentleman, and a true Christian. But if you go into the great towns, you will hear much noisy and violent speaking from the pulpits, and at public meetings. You will read much noisy and violent writing in newspapers and books. Now, I say ...

T r 4gE ---PPOUTREND –

... could be invested, had found the value MAMA sae br hem big amnion InOh , ems that cd Em u w i ngs ; an d L or d shaftashary. speak. . 1 endeavour to emeourege them to one el the mod rastioal 'pi T ed y ea r he thought at Norwich. mid that he and his Miss ...


... iens* to encumber it or to settle it on their or to make, by will, coos. Mdispcsitione Man y exemptions may indeed end, but speaking generally th e owns. ship of land in all new countries is simple ;it is the uncontrolled ownership of a single peon, whose ...


... be about l a. pea week. Mr. Liddell : Would you be surprised to bear that ft is nearer 245. a week f—The whams addle was speaking of purely agricdtural districts, and, although had been a peat improvement of late years. yet he believed his statement was ...

Stistellantotts am, YORZIGN, AID 110LONIAlei

... enough in its way, and if fees particular about orthodoxy, is extremely intolerant of stupidity. This is a point on which I can speak from experienoe. On the whole, English literary criticism 7lss ingularly fair, add especially in its absence of personality ...

Oa Wpm Comspottit

... may expect to go through the laborious and costly process of maintaining their intends in the various constiteseneia. While speaking of the life of the present Parliament, I will refer fora moment to a curious fact connected with the mortality of the eminent ...


... to mese mediae to 'mermaid to him. TM Lord Chief Jostles: When Roger ode to roe to eontoes we know be spoke hand how did he speak it When: Very well ;quite correctly and faintly. The defendant has said that his mother made him wear blue frocks until 11 ...


... there to Limerick. on the river Shannon. We have travelled a good deal of the journey on foot, making inquiries. As one of us speaks the Irish language, we could do so without any inconvenience. We have held immense meetings—one at Kanturk, one at Lima:roll ...