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Advertisements & Notices

... received a patronage almost unprecedented in the above cases; they atre also of great utility to persons in tie liabit of public speaking; and the highest testimony in the Musical World basa been advanced in their fievour, where the voice has been influenced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tlteceforo,, ptut my yountg friend unider Mr. Iuulu's instructiosm and I iave 'the satis'artion to assert, that hb.e o estis aid speaks Wllt: Ia perfect feinci of elocution. Bilt, it has been.sur-. muised, I am told, that such relief is only of a tempo- rary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thus making the reader, as it were, a party to the Debate, by giving him the readyrepartee of one present in the House, and speaking freely that which would be likely to pass in the mind of any in- dependent and unbiassed auditor in that Assembly. The rapidity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... received a patronage almost unprecedented in the above cases; they are also of great utility to persons in the habit of public speaking; and the highest testimony in the Musical World has been advanced in their fa.vour, where the voice has been influencedl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... under a very ,great impediment of speech butI after receiving only one lesson of thirlygntinustes, lie \as 1t ernabled to speak with the greatest ease and flue~ncy.- This is One ol the most lierfect and expeditions curest ever performeil. the nvre pa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be published of the above trial, the names of the various Noblemen and Gentlemen who were in attendance for the purpose of speaking to Mr. Blandy's character if required, be inserted. That the thanks of the Meeting be given to Edward Simeon, Esq. for his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... received a s patronage almost unprecedented in .le 4bove cases; they are also of great utility to persons in the habit of public speaking; and the highest testimony in the Musical World has been advanced in their favour, where the voice has been influenced by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... published of the above trial, the names of the various Noblemen and Gentlemen wvho were its attendance for the purpose of speaking to Air. Blandy's character, if required, be inserted. That the thanks of the meeting hli given to Edward Simeon, Esq. for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... unknown before.- Hence the prevalence of scrofula, cutaneous eruptions, bilious complaints, and chronic rheutnatism, not to speak of diseases more immediately connected with an infected system. The ANT!-lsouETrsa1Nfs attack this hydra atitsseat,andby a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... received a patronage almost unprecedented ih the above cases.; they are also of great utility to persons in the habit of pblic speaking; Yand the highest testimony iii the Musical World has been r advanced in their favour, where the voice has been influenced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Moon, Boys, and Graves, (successors to Hurst, Robinson, and Co.) Printsellers to the Kjing, 6, Pall- Mall. It is difficult to speak of such a production as this in any measured terms. The first glance at its striking beauties ex- cites instant admiration ...

Advertisements & Notices

... received a patronage almost unprecedented' in the above cases; they arc ,also of great utility to perom ip the halbit of public speaking; anid the higbest ,eAtilmoiy in the Musiail World has been adVanced' in thefir favour, whhere thle'voice hals'een induienced ...