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... CmmlhlICrIhImd Durham, atnd North uliberlal11d. Part it. This is oue oi tile works of which it b)ccolues lucre lillictlt Lto Sp)eak via the poublication of every succeelding jiiLr, 1)1l aculnL o fils beauty ConsiStillg chiefly ill the exiulisitely 1ilc ellgrav- ...


... in till it n OTIle' Ye 1 erqltisite of the p resilitig jailie. I hQ. t ?? c I f _ I IIi ,heft n a :iia similar vay not to speak Li l ?? . t ri' ti 'n d j ishled his ailillress I)it, as 0liill ?? 5*'r-e is elatetd by the tine ilenc'. tile irtleln t5l isi ...


... the narrative of the life of a ertitinO Lady Oriel will ni-t readily be forgotten. Of' Go- dolpihin we hardly know how to speak. If there is mischief in Oi.' Ihiok, or rather in the designr of its author, it cannot be de toed thiat the execution is to ...


... claims to the attention of the moralist, the philanthropist, and even of the statesman, although its character,. strictly speaking, is not political. We allude to that entitled 'The Hells in London. Bv the Author of the Schoolmaster's Expe- rience in ...


... c,^lrllt~ atlillKQeSS~ing, t1eb inural on ?? Lro~e bi. au~ies ottI!Splldl nor the object of lie t us (l ;lr pteasures to speak, Which, though 'tlle usrlses iothe rationial lacility of 'ilig parelr lulled that the production on the i~ ?? Ib nrr t ~krthl8 ...


... authors almost invaria- bly set out wvithi prm-suiniig the learner to know something of She subjects treated of: nldl( by speaking to him oiider this im- pression, antli not as to a person who is entirely ignorant of all techinical psliraseology, the probable ...


... of brilliant finish pervade them all,-faults we have before noticed in the illustrations of other works. Nei- ther can we speak in terms highly laudatory of hdr Croly's Life, which, though occasionally excellent in style, scarcely dftes Pope justice. ...


... thta tile Storts- sn.tti has even 1t worse fault, ato ona nehich soateishat belies his title. He tauks every opportunity of speaking disparaging- lr, andl in st mailitnr iquite uttsportsnial like, of his contetltpore rSits, its if 11o oiW otiderstood the ...


... oijeets are ibicibly priiitel, and tire shariow. ing of the water evinces care anid skill. Butt tie pure, elevat. cd sky, to speak soineivhat anoinsloisly, throws the rest of the picture into shade. It is one of the fihest pieces of clear sky- colouring ...


... co,- trivsel ti exist !im thise daysf wIrer, riltiisni was in Its vigolmtr. With respect to the miore serious cha:rge of speaking dispar- agigtgly rif cotntetmiportir es, we citi only repeat our ulisapproval if all suc hattempts to raise rhe character ...


... rare public somethintg of' that sinnriel ;anid negligent exterior winch bnhong- edl to rim Iit private. Whtena lire begatt to speak, a commntui obser-ver mrighit irave trietghnt hitn awkward; anti everi a con- aorntrtsh jitdge cirair erlly havve been struck ...


... in the names of a few of the letters foe such persons as choose to adopt them, the propriety of which, though we wish to speak with great diffidence on the subject, we think Mr Walker has suceeded in establishing. His plan and suggestions have been approved ...