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... agr, Foiirteeii(ot . h hailt yer i '-Thi L~atain, (inc,, ireaci~orItohinLngutag% ktr ldthemaaid.s, 7N.'I ?? aci ieTttpritd4 Speak English pl 'eictitil, linurl; 14 i siii pt~aiyctHM Mr. It%, gralei ef'ir: pla4 ?? 14. si'lle'vrv'ilhanks,o illhs' FHedCfA& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... placed your itntcrcsts iii my hnnstds whiti confidling gesserosity-you nowv counnsit tisert to tme fronm atn ex- perience (I speak it without jresurnptiors) tisat, ivhsst- user osay be mry other deficiencies, I bare at least the courage atnd lsonestytop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d. This work will be fotdii to be constructed on so ad- mniisble il pi) , as to taffrd 6ir greater facilities to- wvards speaking ihe Pri'nch Language, ttati can be de. e rived from-any other pitblicast.oifl. 6.--J,?TEtTizs of AD~VICE fromu a LADY of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Family, or TEACHER in a SCHOOL,-A Lady, competent to instruct in, the following branches of education -Music, French (which she speaks fluently) Geography, and the use of the Globes, &c.- .Address (post paid) to Y. Z. Red Lion Inn, 1anbury. 'ANTED, in a G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... atisfitory r, felrences wvill bie ,givel atid required. LADY wvho hiss resiekcal oU the Coittiatsnt. A two years, and wit11 speaks ;ttndi witeS the Fretct Latguage n itil gr ,;at acctracy. is desirouls of obtail- iag a sittiatioli as COVI;RNXESS in a G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... siF ile sicethes (if ianhinlid wilich hlire appelredl si lice the ! days of the ` Spectator.' ' Le l'l'aic Parker' does not speak half so plainly as cur hero. ?? Jetnuite . de la Chaiseee rl 'ntLiti' leads too retired a lfe,-aud tite ' Kiermiit is Lowndon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHlURCH tilone fiaithl- J. fill in reading the Word of God; proved in a contrast with that of Rome.- Iu the Church I had rather speak live words with my understanding, that by my voice I might, teach others also, than ten thousaiid w.,rds in an unknown tongue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to mahny of the sketches _ of iankind which have appeared since the days of i, the Spectator'. 'Le Franc Parleur' does not speak Jhalf so plainly as our hero. 'L'lervnite ?? d d'Antin' leads too retired a life,-and tile ' Hensfit inc e Loneon' is too dandyisti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Richmond.-XI. 1421; LY l~TIa~ .Lament.-XIII1. Walks in the Garden, No. ~-XV. On thle Colfridies ot' Tilomos Mhay.-X'. Tricks of. Speaking.-X VI. Letters fromi Spain, by Don. Leuca- dio Dobilado, No. 3g- Cilaracter of the Sparisls Cleray- man.--X VI. English Pride ...

Advertisements & Notices

... carefully selected from tile collections of Noblemen and Gen- tleniei is tire United Kingdolr. 'Tie late Sir Benjamilin West speaks of this Work as being one' whichvwilI bebhonoured andI adnmired by subsequent ages. Tlhrpresentt Presilenit of ?? Royal Academy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p selected front tbe collectiotts of Noiblemen and Gen- v tlemen in the United Kingdomn. P The late Sir Belltjaomitn West speaks of this Work I as being one s itil will 1e liotioured arid admlired by C subsequent ages. The presetit Pirsitleintof the Roval ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tilat co..c- trv hlave been removed, punished,or reprimanded. TI'e Brussels Papers contain a letter fromn Luxemniluigh, which speak of the discovery of' a new plot at Metz, and the arrest of some Mlilitary Officers charged with having been concerned in it ...