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DEATH OF CHAS. DICKENS. It wenld not be too much to say that all the civilized world, especially all English ..

... DEATH OF CHAS. DICKENS. It wenld not be too much to say that all the civilized world, especially all English-speaking people, will learn with deep regret of the death of Mr Charles Dickens, the dintinguished novelist, which melancholy event was only briefly ...


... THE SEAL FISHERIES. Monday (Reuter).—Hen. C. H. Tupner, Minister of Fisheries, speaking reference to the off in the seal catch this year, said in the natural course of events higher prices should be realised now than last year, whereas the contrary was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... caused the fever of which the man had died. Mr. Hawkins was speaking on thisi subject when lie sud- denly sat down and fell wvith his hendi resting on the gentleman who sat next him. He did not speak, and in five minutes was a corpse. No medical man was present ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Charles L., and his famous countess, Charlotte de la Tremouille, of Latham House celebrity. Of the late earl it is needless to speak, as all know how he main- tained the glory of his race; and of the present earl we will merely say these few words of biographical ...

DEATH OF FELIX MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY. It is with feelings the most painful we announce the death of Felix ..

... man, it may be said, without much exaggeration, that the world has lost a friend, for the language of music is universal; it speaks to the new as to the old world; it is spreading its voice to the east as it has spoken so long and so inspiritingly the west ...


... K.LNG OSCAR AND THE PEACE CONFERENCE. S'ockholm, January 18.— The Reichstag was formally opened to-day by King Oscar. Speaking from the Throne, hii Majesty said, referring to the Peace Conference at The Hague, that by the resultant conventions a step ...


... Mountjoy, miners' agent, for the purpoe* of taking the opinion of ladgee with regard to the continuation ef distriet union. Speaking Monday night the Tump-bouse Lodge, near Blakeney, the veteran advocate stated that the Forat Council had decided, unless ...


... blB W. FOSTER AT KETTERING | Speaking al Kfett.riDg on Wednesday night, Sir . V.'aiie. Foster, M P , eaid the people mu-t lock te I parisli councils at the great instruments for pro- , gr. ss. He advocated i ow«r being given to commu- j nitifs to acquire ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... endearment of all. Mr C. B. Wrright, deputy registrar, wished to ald a few 3 words to the lied enpressions of him Honour, and, speak. c ing on behalf of himself and of the officers of the court, he would say how deeply they deplored the loss of Mr Edward Barley ...