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South East, England


Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... executdrs) and Mr. G. Spec;, *will in turcrc br carried oi by W. TIOLT (Son of the deceafel) and G. SPEt K. The Executors and G. SpeAk rake this opportunity of retuining their Thanks for tile liberal fupporr they have received during the minority CO W. Holt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the French' W Langes1ge is'perpltnaly Spakvz 4zs' tio hooise,- asd parti-,i cular ains are taken to habitnate the- Pupil to speak and ni ite English with elegrance. ~While language cisstitntees lit principal objedct Writing Arithmetir, Geography, &c. 'eceive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nesidence for Ditto, diuring each Vaca- ti-rim- ?? - --4 - Particular care will lye taken to instruct the Young Gentlemerm to speak and write the French Language with purity and elegance. Tbe Situation is the i most desirable spot in this delighrtful Isllnri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uge. . ?? 40 Residence for ditto during eh Vacation . ?? 4 - Particular care is taken to instruct the lYotng, Gentle imento'speak and waite'the rnchP .laagagu Jit i porst adelegac det~-'tirahglell T~ldhe'sgitnalion is thei'miost de'ra stin'tip lelighiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v reatnge: i v ?? for ditto' d' ;ring eneh -Vacation.. 4 Partirnlar care is taken tI ifistruct the Young Gentle-' 'men ioi speak and write the French laninige with purity' and tReanre. The simation is the most desirable spot in this delighfuiil jslaiid; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the henrt, ?? iiess'ofspi'its, and: dreadful sick head-ach, %rhiih reduicect 'her so much,' thiat she becane unable to speak or walk fbr: seveaf weeks, and iv'ould frequently faint,~ .id remnairin 'that state fir ai considlerable tihoe;. together 'sith ...

5ATii'L ?? , D i C;

... liesitateit a sinigle iiftitient in dtlettrliniuiig to carry Ii hi sentenice pro- notinced on timitita 1o exeemliiois Ilii speaking thii'e wordi, Mi H Uobserved ?? piito ner's eves flu-cd ott him uvitli grett stedftastness, titd lie continuedl I am ialvae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... andDancing, by the most approved 'Cht IMasters, each ?? I 4 Parlicular cirte is' taken to instruct .Qe Young Gentle-- men to speak and write the French Language whilh putrity and elegance. 'The situatioqu is tile must desirable spot In thiis'delightful Itland; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... English troops tiere, - ,ue ail etsl ?? of the line. The Admiral (Purvi). -io very 'A nucti- , and the Eniglish seif-oelcers speak much in priaiue of hhn for his great exertions. All the Spanish ships of the *e lioe are uutsidc the Etingish; sind the Spanish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... destro3ing tile fort, and driving the t French hack. The spattiards had three metu killed and twenty wotitided. Our Officers speak of the at- tack in the highest terms of praise. High, Mass was performned at Cadliz on tihe 2d, to commlelimorate the eutrance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Humpteeis, tie gentleman whose ?? |situation we mentioned lah t week, continues in a doubtful state, theough the Nediica ?? speak rmther ivqar- |nb-y of hi>' s s_ The al is not yet extracted. -Richard told, Captain's Clerk of hi s Mnjesty's ship Indefatigable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ssere considerably deraniged. . In Scrophula1 thepoaivcrs of this mediciqe are most extraordinary, au4 th 4 nurmerous cures speak its decided soperiovity. - .s tberpi are numerous counterfeits, pleaseto ask for ?? Pafent Aiitiscorbiitir. Diops, with the ...