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... passerby. Still shine the sun, the moon, the stars, With blessing even on me; And, when the evening bell ringaout, Then, Lord, I speak with Thee. One day shall to the good disclose Thy halls of joy and rest, Tben. in my wedding robes. even I Shall seat me as ...


... finest periormance of the Colloen Bawn we have seen in Glasgow, the representation of last evening is by no weans the worst. Speaking first of the ladies, we do not know that Mrs Margaret Eburne's 21rs Cregan, or Miss Clara Rose's SIheelah., has been surpassed ...


... the love we bore him, tl That we loved him long and well. Let it speak of kindliest nature, vI Of the large, yet subtle mind, Of a heart all overflowing With affection for his kind. J, Speak of honour-trust-and frankness, W Of a hand preventing need, pi ...


... His whole soul revolted against the notion, ?? the Great and Blessed God, the iAlerci. ful Father of all naulkind, would speak of a servant or mnaid as inere I money,' and allow a horrible crime Ito go unpunished, because the victim of the brutal usage ...


... Orleans. The letters are addressed Dear Julia and Children. The first ones speak of having sent her money, with some doubt in one case whether it was honestly ?? The late ones speak of want, not having been plt sickness, &o., and at least intimate a request ...


... proprietor, who is as well known in Paris as in California, was married today to Don lerdinaud Colonna, Prince de Galatro. To speak by the card, the wedding (as the bridegroom himself remarked) has been going on for three days-the first being de- voted to ...


... hut mock the gans of moon! The year is dying-let it die As lath its hopos,-in mockery I The year, the' doad, yet still inay speak: Yes, some bruisbd heart to break I The year will have its memories rare, Time will crust them o'er with care. Tho year hls ...


... this mute eloquence to me App-aleth more by far, Than all the studied rhetoric Of those that human are. For I can sit and speak to theo, And dread no false reply, Nor any cynic questioning About the reason why. So childlike, too, in all thy ways, So trusting ...


... him to retire. This was followed with defiant roars of laughter and derisive N , interraption, and cries, Mr constant wu speaking, but his voice was only audi to a comparatively few iu front of the orm. He advocated that the bills affecting coun should ...


... future time, will take the shape You chance to give it-shape it fair or foul- Speak to it in your actions; it will hear. Few words live long; but great deeds are the tongues That speak to every age and all mankind. 'The poet is the prophet of the good- Time ...


... gold intent, Regards no human woo; Speak, man, and know thy destiny, For hence I now must go. Say, wilt thou rather drink, steal, kill? The drunkard's heaven is wine, Robbers love gold, and murderers blood- Speak, what choice shall be thine V Now Mustapha ...


... LL.D., which he now held. (Applause.) For many years he had been known as a literary man, but he did r not stand there to speak of him in that character-he spoke s of hins more particularly as the first writer of the day. (Ap- plause.) He was sure he ...