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... morning one of them was found murdered, lying in a wa- all ter cut a few yards distant from the road. The supposed murderers speak tthe Irish dialect, and tb appear to be brothers. D A most daring act of housebreaking and theft '8 was committed between the ...


... before, '11 and may not be done again, and might not at sl ,, this moment be done by a hundred actors of the n cy, day. We speak in this of our judgment from a a, single effort; the actor's powers may yet expand'; :ts another charzctei may give him a happier ...


... struggles, f ing determines doing his judicial duty. But a nevw light breaks in: Ratcliff, the jailorhasheard t at; Madge Wildfire speak of a child which she hadt to preserved; an immediate seach is followed by-an .es immediate recovery of the infant ; the mother's ...


... :children of vagrants commonly are-is lively amd} engaging in his manner-has brown hair, very black eyes, and a dark complexion-speaks the English or Irish accent, and stammers a little int his speech. -He calls himself Donn.y (Johnny) Logan, and his mother ...


... of Sir Georgei'Smart. 'in' his selections fort fcnsates 'Of the w~ell-k nown ta-ets of -Mr; c i t it almost superfluous to speak. - Those who 1 0 ?? ilfcilty of conducting suebc an ?? nmust ilD be sensible afl-iis mrrt'. MHe is indeed 'e ouZ whic animates ...


... audience by volunteering the song of ?? bitl Gray, which, on account of her illness, Pteon Wednesday evening. - * oe st speak too highly of the whole selection, ' Wih the construction of the orchestraiand 'the Prtcision fwith which thie wshole is conducted ...


... account of cheeses, she taughit him to lose account of himself. He was a perfect ab- straction of a lover. IHe could hardly speak to his fdir one ; but many a ballad did he cotopose in her praise. They were however never shown to her, or indeed to any one ...


... which it is unquestionably more necessary S than it was in the present. Of Mr Kean's Caius pr . Hiarcius it is difficult to speak correctly in a few re words. There was so much to praise and so de much to blame in it, that a mere general state- co ment ...


... but Charlie Howatt Persuaded mc to stay To see the fun for ones, and hear - Wbat the callants latid to say- But 'tis true ye speak, they're ne'er-do-weels- 'I'hey are a Godless crew, And-F'I' gang buck nae mair, Jean, For I've seen and heard enow. And 'tis ...


... half-taised stanilard ilrol'p'd upon the gale Ir of The cannon's iron throat confirnm'd the tale, of With qounds as when a mourner speaks her woe, T the In syllables successive, sad, and slow. Feel ye not now the moral truith, of old ~en So often taught, forgot ...


... eye On the posr bankrupt's nitsery, But veil'st the blu'h of paln from sight, GentlesTvLwllglhtl To every heart thy calmness speak-- Or lilssthat bounds, or his that breakst If blest, thy pensive silentness gires breathing tnie, to muse on blise; If not ...


... Where shah I find a Carmel new? And where a Jordan's peaceful flow? Where, where a temple, blest abode, Where mortal Tian omay speak with God? Be still my harpl for ever sleep, Or btt awake thy voice to Weel Weep o'er the tower of strength n'erthrown, The ...