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R. WALKER, Author of the Rhyming | ary, aod gefieral Idea of a Pronounci tionary, Will on Monday the 8th

... attempt to gate the Principles of the Language, to thow Proaouncing with Precifion and Certainty, and | § Out Methods for Speaking and Reading ia Put tH NEY ad- iTn- reat Al- very par- lves, re to and jJuftne's, Energy, and Eale. The Precepts will luitrated ...


... io gate the P inciples of the Language, to thow Rul Promounc:ng with P.ecifion and Certainty, and to Y J euc Methods for Speaking and Reading in Public m | Juftneis, Energy, and Kale. The Precepis will t by a Ditplay of the SUBLIME ann BEAUTIFUL . 13 ...

Saunders’s News-Letter. tion of Weavers

... which As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, i were granted, with univerfal Applaufe. Lord Minikin Ms ging the ac The FREE SPEAKING PHYSICIAN. eds report- A Pruffian anecdote John Trotley Mr. Vandermere, Colonel Ts When the late king of Pruffia fell fick ...

Published: Wednesday 10 January 1776
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1427 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

for the S C lT H V V

... roborate than contradi& the Evidence of Guinnefs. The further Confideration of this Claufe poftponed till To-morrow, and the Speake: ow” ir t le it hending any of the Soldiers concerned in the fent Street Robberies. It is really an alar Circumftance, that ...

r i

... fanciful a Piece, enriched with Arne’s admisable Mufic, is fhortly to be produ at the Theatre Royal, in Smock-alley, where Speaking Part ftands fome Chance of Propri butas the Dialogue, however luxuriant, was fo even in London too tediens for Stage Exprefi ...

wie VN As w LECTURE HEAD ERE’s a Head full of it, can? Wome turn oul ils Drains, and lay

... his Hee Will find thefe two Organs, like Pole- a-part. A Speech of fix Hours his Soundnefs of L: Withev’ry high Valent to Speaking belongs. At the Call of N—-—'s Whilile, ne led ot Pack, With Budgets of Funds, Debts and Chi a-back; Tt Louis had Credit ...

For the Benrfit of Mr. A R N F

... ing, pecverting, manghag, and mifapplying of WO! the different Modulat:ons, Toues and « VOICE in Reading, atin Speaking ; a @ Reaury and (Iuorantarce a. Arter ten che EES EA 9 ridiculous and Inoghable The! Extravagant! and ! The whole ...

A n* w «>e Ac lAs ol DIVERSION

... ant the ing, Pe inc, Manvhag, and milapplying of the dfic.ent Moduilat.vas, Tones and Cadene ce « Reading, and in extenpory Speaking creat Reaury and inivo tance of ACTION. che re Ws p.ty and at the bar, tasoa the St an? t The Pompous! and ! The whole Evening’s ...

Freni WEDNESDAY, February the sSth, to FRIDAY, March the jft, i 776

... ting, mance! ng, and mifappiviog of WOR the different Modulations, Tones snd Cacences of VOILE ia Reading, an! in extémpory Speaking ; an great Beaury and Impo.tance of ACTION, in th oar at ce onc a 4 “er. gt ne me €- | and laughable Examples of The Pompous ...

19 J

... and and the ing, mangling, and of W Ck the diffevent Modulations, Tones and Cadenc ex ¢ VOICE in Reading, and ip extempory Speaking 5 a ereat ead tance of ACTION. in she ee OO ridiculous aad laughable of The Pompous! Bombaltic! and t Tee whele Evening’s ...

of a Scrutiny, although it mutt be me, and to deelare that I will return to thefe | e- =

... Pronuncist on. and the dif ing, perve ting, and milapply ng of WOR the Medu'ations, Vones and Caeences o MOICE iw Reading, and Speaking 5 3: great Beauty and finpo tance ot ACTION, in the Ren Ae and la The Pompous!’ Bombattic! Extravagant! and kefeue ! The ...

Bron he Lebate tn the Houfe of Lords on Thur the sath tae following Speech- are ele They comprife in

... muit be deluged with Biood fore her Inhabitants would yield UNCONDI ONAL SUBMISSION to the Authority of Britifb Parliament. Speaking as an Englith this might feem Hyperbole ; but, placing ourte for a Moment in the Situatiun of an American, Retufal of Submiffion ...