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... for matter more generally useful and interesting. But there is one subject upon which it may be as well here and at once to speak out. The GAZETTE and GUARDIAN will be found the constant -the un-.compromising enemy of that spurious political economy, which ...


... him. > will never give my vote to any memlet- who not vote for shorter Parlia- ments and in saying this, I believe that I speak the sense of nine men in ten. Mr. Cr&wshay.—I fear we arc getting into the con- dition of the parish, of which one half prayed ...


... the iron- trade: all either going or gone. As individuals, 1 do not speak of the Whigs; there are many highly es- teemed and respectable Whigs in this county and in this town I speak of them with respect, because they are valuable- members 4of society; ...


... will toe Conser- vatives, and seven will be Whigs, Ra-iivaia. or doubt* ftii. As a matter of course we do not pretexts to speak with unerring certainty where there are CQuteH, but i we cannot, we are confident, be far from u t ...


... country .»entien»cn of all prefeasianc, and of ail politics, w hom ke (Mr. Grey) had ever sect) assembled in this county, would speak volumes for the high estimation in which Wr. Nicholi's private and public character was held. He was con- fideni that the electors ...


... By what right, said the honourable candidate undressing Mr. Morgan's party, do you call me inconsisent 7 •« To whom do von speak ? To all of yon. I am not to be intimidated. Mr W. proceeded to say, that his friends, it they returned him to Parliament ...

:...-_---._.::......:::-:::::.:.:::...---___--__,-iLATEST LONDON | INTELLIGENCE, \

... them of « great number of votes at the elections, and in whicu public opinion his taken no real interest. A Lyons P .j cr speaks of the arrest of General Bourmont, b-i, we find no confirmation of the intelligence in any Journ.l published at Pads- A letter ...

----------THE BIBLE

... tender o.ercy from God to your soul. Do you wish !o Converse w,th God ? open it and read and, at the same time, look to him who speaks to you in it, and ask him to give yon ar understanding heart, thai you may not read in.vain, but that the word roay be you ...

J MERTHYR TYDVIl., SATURDAY, Dec. 22d, 1832 +

... enterprise were to fail, all high-minded would sympathise with the losing party, and the situation of the iatter, politically speaking, would not be worse than it was before. But, should the attempt succeed, the advantages to the victor wouid be incalculable ...