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London, England


London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... iris agClrjaieinimfs. Wivcs and maidens,, Young mci iuarid boys, all lilten with delight when tjieir fathers ard 6irbands Speak of him. 'Nor does 14eep opprers thrir eyes, if their laiours be but er'llvcned with a fuory of Rinallld. He istire hero oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ill alfo he exhibited; and, during the in- ol the Pieces, the Fowling, Mufic, and Dancing take place. Mifs H. Piclni will Speak an Inciddntai re, will alfo play feveral Airs, Sonatas, &c. en the L ,-.i ne r Forte, p ularly one accompanied on the fi'lat~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with the Head of the -Author. Pricc 7s. boards. 2. ARuEroaTcAI.GaAncAMARin whcl tl econonnion impro- prietics of Rcadin, and Speaking are defiyted, and the true lources of eiea:int prawunchition pointed out; with rules for deliveritig the lieveral figures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Pract;.cal 'l'roatife ou Diet ,hy Dr. Niet, price 6s. in boards, ' This day is publilhcd, price 3s. bound, Tr SYE WAY to SPEAK WELL MADFE Tn EASY for YOu TH , by the chicf Words of the Englifh Tongue claffed in Sentcrces; ?? h o2rt Didtiolnary, il tour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... young in cultivating oatural Talent, and in acquiring elegance of Thought and grace ol Ex- prellion in Reading, Writing, and Speak-ing. PAPER MONEY.-This clay is publithed, price one fhilling, pROFUSION of PAPER-MONEY, not DEFi- CIENCY of HARVRST; TAXATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i-led of thi Authsr, plice 7s. boards. 3. A EP IiETORItJAL GRAMIVIAR, in which the ctmmon Imnproprictics of Reading anti Speaking are dctedcil, and tile tsue Sources of elegant Proinunciation poihted out; Ith Rul--s for deliveriig tele feverill Figures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anthor of ' HuirEaRt CASTLE.' If there be any good thing to bh done, . That may to thee do cafe, and grace to mne, Speak to mn. SHAxsSeaARE.a. Printed for Lane and. Newman, Leaden haill-tlrect. Where miay be had, juti publifned, Warkfield dCafle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on the Bill now before Parlianianlt; By A RESIDENT CLERGYMvAN,'' . ormncrly FTellow'of St. Jodhn's C'ollege, Cambridge; Speak of me as-l 'amz - - -. - ' , .I' othing. extenuiate, nor 'fet dewn aught in malice. Prainted-for J. D'ebrett, oppofite B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANESSAY on tbe ART of INGENIOUSLY db A NTOR1MrtNTrNG, with proper Rules for the exereife of fal that amutirig fludly. bu Speak; dapggera, but ttfe nn.-Ssresi't IN.D. This F dition of tlte above riatetratedl WAork is runlbel- Ilihui-ti with a Frontifrliecc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Pt-in of WSales, at Saville Hc-afc~, Leicecltar-iquarc. l-0 C KTEWV and wun iderful Experiments of an Aninnatedi 1N and Speaking Bu!l, reprefcrnting the celebrated Oracle of b)Jlphsi.jult added, with foire other %oncle's, to tlac treat and] £ el,,y aiaitdi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tragedy, in iomre of the principal tlheatrea in LEnglanJ, to give private laltrudlions in AC ; .iG; R. EAD. ING, anu PU'B1,IC SPEAKING.-Cards of Addrcfs at Mr. l'insals, Booldeller, No. tim, Great Porrland-ftrect, Oxford Road; and Mir. Cawthorn, 5, Cathar ...