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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... botnd. I- Tlhis work will be found to be constricted on so admirable a plan, as to afford far greater faciiities 'awards speaking the- French Language, than ean be derived from any other pub. lication, l his Dcty is Pu'lished, Elegantly printed'in 1 vol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (6( $cripturejs mde by priate imtiretitin. . TL'ilzvC; 3, 1 5, 16, 1 . *'Aa laoor sm dewr r . F~i.l;,-in gll hzis Epistles, speaking~iu rshef tnliigs . in dhichAre-thingsbiidto 6eundevsuodwhich thus, uasegrned and untable rasst, as they do lseo -the ,ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Recruits, is still too feeble to endanger the independence of the County, or unseat their favourite Candidate. When Colonel White speaks of his unquestioned independence, he hbs candidly furnislted the County with a specimen oF what his ideas of independence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Recruits, is still too feeble to endanger the independence of the County, or unseat their favourite Candidate. When Colonel White speaks of his unquestioned independence, he has eandidly furnished the County With a specimen of what his ideas of independence are; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is still] too feeble to endanger the indepondeawe of the County; or unseat their favourite Candidate. Whemt Colonel White speaks ol'his unquestioned indepindence, lte has canslidlv furnished the County with a specimen oF whathis idess of indepentlence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is still too feeble to endanger the independaeep ( of the County, or unseat their favourite Candidata. When Coletl White speaks ofihis unquestioned independence, he has I candidly furnished the County with a specimen of what his y ideas of independence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDITOlt Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, IS, Ave.Maria-lans. - Of tits useful and instructive Volume, it is impossible to speak too highly. The original Author, 1. Lasaysse, is a philanthropist end a philosopher; and the Tranalator bass not only done ...

Advertisements & Notices

... communicate to their Pupils only such parts of grammar as are indispensably necessary to introduce them to t!ie practice of speaking, with which they famiiliarise them, Rfter very few lectures, As the Pupils advance, the peculiarities of the Language present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by a Gentleman of Classical Educa- a .LtloC, tictt vb he receitved at Rome asld other parls of the Cozitinent. - .. As-be speaks wit- fl j bist~r iiguegt, his Pupils will have the advantage of culdvating the one, while tisey are io- structed in the other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Piy John Itippingham, Pri- vate Tuto at' Westninster S:A.ol. Third E~dition. 4s- boards. 25. The ART of EXTEMPO' RE PUBLIC! SPEAKING, including a Course of' biscipjine for ol- tainimng the Faculties of DliEsrirnfisit in , Arrangetr. nd Ortl I)iscussion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... out from Bond.. Tbis willi be a feature ?? Mercantile Advvriiscr, perfectly niw-of its imr~portarce it is not necersary to speak. 7. Abvest ?? such. a J-urnal as the one, a Prospectus vf which we have just sketched, is peculiarly cal- eulated to become ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Writer shash be, to Nsthir'g extentiate nor set down aught I in malice, but lo the best of his jedgmest, truly and fairly to speak of them as they are. Whilbt on the one heand. gtat. tery and favouritismn shall iie avoided, care shall be taken on the other ...