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... WELSH-SPEAK dGES. ANALYSIS OF T In the House of Comm ight Mr. Lloyd George moved rr 3 in the interest of the due or jus- tice, and in face of the r s House of 8th March, 1872. regret .lent. to the judgeship of a. coutity-c 111 which the Welsh language ...

for the seed pans Generally speaking, com pact lobelias well in rather light ground Sow at the end of February

... for the seed pans Generally speaking, com pact lobelias well in rather light ground Sow at the end of February or in March, in a temperatnre of about 60 degrees, and cover the seeds very lightly indeed on secoont of their small siie. Prick off the seedlings ...


... from the dock she exclaimed in tones of passionate entreaty, Do let me speak to my husband, sir? Why may I not speak_to him? They to 11 him falsehoods about me. Oh, if I could but speak to him The captain, however, went away with his friends, and The captain ...


... The Sigtfe speaks of a project for bringing out a new Journal in French and English to be called the Alliance ~n^ustrielle. This paper, which is, it is said, to appear ery soon, is intended to be the organ of the commercial lriterests of the two nations ...

Great Yarmouth Meeting

... announced to speak to-morrow evening, is well known as one of the most able eipeakers connected with temperanoe work He lias for many years superintended the political department of the United Kingdom Alliance, ana is well qualified to speak with authority ...

South Meath Election.I L

... slowly. The fate of the respective taadidates is regarded as hanging in the balance, tod neither Mr Dalton nor Mr Jordan speaks Speaks with confidence. The poll exceeds by Nearly 1.000 that of thelast election, 5,382 electors Slaving voted oat of 6,983 on ...


... THE EMPRESS OF MEXICO.—Whilst the Memorial Di- plomatique speaks in the most encouraging terms of the health of the Empress Charlotte, the journals of Vienna and Irieste tell a very different tale. The Trieste Gazette hinted the other day that a physical ...


... receive expli cit pupport. This sit° tion, however, is above and beyond personal siderations. When I speak, which I do this ye I must speak my mind, and speak it wIthO ití reference to Party. Under these circumstanceS, is best for the Party and myself that ...


... ment that Mr Davies should be permitted to speak in his native tongue. He said that Mr Davies had a perfect right to speak in Welsh if he preferred to do so. He could not see why a member shoukW&trcompeHed to speak in a tongue that was foreign to him if he ...