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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)


... witness is not awtare that de. 'ceased was intimisate with a schoolmaster residing at Dept- ll Gird, arid never heard rer speak of any such reqi ta:iitance thI By thfe 1ev. Mr. Verrall :-Hlarriett was ill aborut thraee wveeks before her dcath ; but she ...


... requested her to move away; by mo5 which means, your worship, she jumped upon hser feet and, ter demandissg how I dlared to speak to a woman of her olcilities, exii shoe douliled up her fist, and gave me such a desperateo poke PIl' with it just in the very ...


... gay. Speak- ing of house and servants, they must be regulated w en you come. Chartley will hardly be fit foi you; but, while we are oil the con- tinent, your mamma Vwill please go over, and see that coesr future home-'but of this I myself will speak to ...


... Miss Wellinge's. Be-exansaned by- Mr. Chamibers.-Her school bills wvere 5ths niece thtan 1001. at'~ ear. His reason for not speaking about led it to Mr. E chialez, wvhen he heard of the attachment was, the that they were not enl friendly terms. Mrs. Smith ...


... course he knew they were the letters alleged to be forged. When defendant was a boy at school, he did not spell well. Could not speak as to his present proficincy in that branch of education. Could not say how ha spells nmamma. Had often been to Chartley ...


... himself, lie had raticer a re- turn ofdrllirintn en 'Werlaesilae nighic, hot now is caIrn andI sensible, east smiles anid speaks often 'of you. I roust nosw elose lily ronte, as Dr. Knight is here. 1Yen must excnse short notes, rememlbering that they ...


... some time Al estranged from thetn, and wvas leading a dissipated life. Notes of his friends were in attendance that day to speak in lAr his behalf. baa] The magistrate said the fact of no otleec person being no the box with the Inrisoner at the rime, ated ...


... policeman Malher, who was knocking about two poor boys, who were selling isuts, in a most cruel man- ner. She requested him to speak to the policeman, not to treat ths boys .90 roughly and lie aecordingly tapped the policemlan on the shounder,' and repeated ...


... for thejury was, whether the witness Crouch had been so corrobo- rated: by other testimony as to satisfy them that he was speaking the truth relatmg to the transetion, and he then went through anl the material portions of the evidence, com- menting upon ...


... ansawer the question hastily Mrs. Munton, .with seine animiation-i am uinte'itainlI dlid niot point or egy oem as-I could nont speak at the tiusr,.and, I userely shock my), head. Ihalve nothing further t6 say, but that usy lovbabnd 'is, quite innocent, and ...


... sralag o hr, nd t sadsme feel ratter jelnst hikteIoe could he ohradIcnd not, and o I eteheind i my wn itodchit sliteshould eat speak to a' oe, ad s I eek omeexotc alciout of, the bottom dae inour parlour, anid took and bought a Seidlitz pow- defor which I ...


... person applied to him for a ticket, stating that lee wished to go to Derby. Judging from his In manner, his excited msode of speaking, and his appearanceDs witness considered him intoxicated, and therefore refused to give bins a ticket. One of his reasons ...