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in 30 Minutes; but u

... Words, he espied a Gentleman with laced Cloaths, on Horseback, and pointing to him, cry'd, you get your Money easily, I must speak with you, and taking his Leave in a complaisant manner, rode a full Trot after the Gentleman, and they saw no more of him. ...

the Phyficians telling his Majdly, éhat great Fatigue of fitting up, and attending her Ma;fly catifiantly ..

... her kindeft Regard to her Servants, and rnaaifeiling her Zeal for the Welfare of the Publiek. 6 Her Manner of Thinking and Speaking on the many interedling Sub jeas that paffefed her Soul, and her a 4.14 Behaviour from the Beginning of her Linea to the ...

chard Crabb; and the Dzvonthire, Capt. T.awrence Prince were forced on Shore and btoke Pices: What was faired ..

... and loon cr anchor'd the fame Road his Aldjql; Ship the Capt. ito. from ?lyre:on:h. 4 in tt-e .I.l,viral Haddock nub his Speak-on, fell dcrn to S. Miens, wh..r: they 'fill n, the Weather Leinfr, very thick oid rainy. The 4.l;Airars Squadron c.,n,11,is ...

fV;o tiours bekre, .'out a teague otof Maud (hi (as he faid) was iodide') with lit Casks of Tallow, and

... bath been for- Merly_publithed. By JOHN PLAY FORD. Ptah 7 God it King of all Earth, F ro if e e Underflanding. Ephef. V. 19. Speaking to in and Hymns, and Spit:- tail Song:, finging and malting Melody in yozr Heart: unto the Lord. London: Printed for Richard ...

Fro* the Loam Evening PO, PUS. 20

... ly publtibed. By JOHN PLAITORD. Pfa). 7. Gird at King of all the Earth, ling ye Praifes with Vhderfianding. Ephcf. v. to. Speaking to yerrjetvet in Ppm: and Hymn:, wet Spiritual Songs, finging and making Melody in your Harts unto the Lord. Lonuoi: : Printed ...

Poll, or Caniedary News Letter

... which his Grace the Arcbbilhop of Canterbury pronounced at the EfpoNfalt of the Prlncels Mary to Frederick Prince of Hefe. Speaking of his Majelty But to you, 0 King! of Monarchs the bell and great' ell, of our Country the Pather, Glory aid Pillar, with ...

From the London Gaze

... down between the Privateer and the Margaret and Susanna Sloop, so near, that the Master says he might have hail'd him with a Speaking Trumpet, which gave him great Hopes of being retaken; but unhappy for him, she took no Notice of him nor the Privateer, on ...

An Extra. °fa Letter from a Perfon of Ditlinelion at Vienna, dated March 4

... Proceedings in the Senate at Great Lilliput. 1. Debate in the Houle of Clinabs on the Motion to remove Sir Retrob Walelup. The Speak; of the Cinabs Snadfy, Lyrornick, Gibnob, Werotyl, Hewo, Bladna, Eferkin, and Bormly. II Motions in the Houfe of L—; 1. Concerning ...

Si Picces oi they he Day of ,hcir Arrival hem: And upon their being told, that if they would foot

... Coalition, the Marthal of the Diet run a great Ha/2rd of h. Life ; fur one of the Chiefs of the Dalicarlians, whom I.: wag Speaking to and holding by the Hand, fill down dead at This Ad of . Vigour qucll'd at once this ; for the Dalicarlians teeing to many ...