Advertisements & Notices

... Collie merchant, lnveruess, or the Printer of this Paper. The said Donald Shaw was born in the Neighbour- hood of Inverness, speaks the dialect of the place ; he is about five feet high, fair complection, short hair, stoops a little, and very smnart. R E ...

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... with the Head of the -Author. Pricc 7s. boards. 2. ARuEroaTcAI.GaAncAMARin whcl tl econonnion impro- prietics of Rcadin, and Speaking are defiyted, and the true lources of eiea:int prawunchition pointed out; with rules for deliveritig the lieveral figures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Pract;.cal 'l'roatife ou Diet ,hy Dr. Niet, price 6s. in boards, ' This day is publilhcd, price 3s. bound, Tr SYE WAY to SPEAK WELL MADFE Tn EASY for YOu TH , by the chicf Words of the Englifh Tongue claffed in Sentcrces; ?? h o2rt Didtiolnary, il tour ...

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... in'struconin m tfhe- Latin and Greek languages, Geography and the use of the Globes, they will be Catefully taught to- read and speak the English languiage yilh propriety, to Oahdcrstand it grammatically, and write it correctly. Mr. C. will be unassisted, both ...

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... hbave been conimittec. are too wvell Itnown to requirc. particular corninnctidatiol. The'British Critic for Novenmber. ico, speaks of the first Edimioti Of this Work itl thc following terms: W- Re do not know that any work on General Zoo- logy hasshicherto ...

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... they have been committed, 'are too well known to require particular commendation. Y The British Critic for November a oo, speaks of the o first Edition of this Work in the following terms ry We do net kcnow that any work on Genera' ao- logy has hitherte ...

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... they have bteei comnaitted, are too wel -known to require particiliar cnmmendation. The British Critic.for Novecmber 80oo.speaks of the! first Editioin of clis uoric in the following terms: We do no(t Lnlow clistbany work onl General .Zoo- logy has hitherto ...

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... young in cultivating oatural Talent, and in acquiring elegance of Thought and grace ol Ex- prellion in Reading, Writing, and Speak-ing. PAPER MONEY.-This clay is publithed, price one fhilling, pROFUSION of PAPER-MONEY, not DEFi- CIENCY of HARVRST; TAXATION ...

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... Systemsi, is the clear precision and coroptebensive brevity of the oregnage. Again, trie Critical Review for July iace, speaking of the two last volumes, says, We need only add, in the ?? of this article, that Dr Shawy Isas fuoly answered die expectations ...

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... i-led of thi Authsr, plice 7s. boards. 3. A EP IiETORItJAL GRAMIVIAR, in which the ctmmon Imnproprictics of Reading anti Speaking are dctedcil, and tile tsue Sources of elegant Proinunciation poihted out; Ith Rul--s for deliveriig tele feverill Figures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to-vhose carc.4cy iiavcbeencommitcl 1,are too :well 4Uown 'to require ?? cpmnierxi, ation, . -T0ie'Britsh Critic forNov. 1 801, speaks of the first edition' of this ?? in thed friD . sw ist'' s .We do -not kn: w that, u wy *ork- ' ?? Zuolojyhas hitherto been ...