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mt -l\ eet

... jam Gate: or . Chailes Cullis, 1 mas-ft cet. In the Prefs, aud tpeedily will be pubiithed, ICAL LOCUTION : Or, the ART and SPEAKING in * public. In Pats. {. An ESSAY on Reaptno and whe ein the Cau‘es and Confequences of the pretent pe e& state in the Binih ...

From FRIDAY, Mav the sth, to M

... the fole Intent of calling a Par Hament is to eras? Supplies, were it not for tha 1 believe we fhould very rarely behold a Speak lutlered to take the Chair. Now, if the Necetfit ot a Parliament is taken away, the Thing itfe will not fubGit any onger, and ...

For the Journal

... lelci\ed from the bill l.nglifti Writers, and proper Head', with Vtcw to laAiJitatc the In>- provement Youth in Reading and Speaking which is ESSAY iiLtJCIITION, by William L. L. I.*ol aci on the Belle Letlrea the Academy Wairingtoo. * ——.OtuUr', pauium ...

229 3

... SPEAKER : Pik fiom the bett Frghth Writers, aad ais under proper Heads, with a View to provement of Youth in Reading and Speaking. ‘io. is prefixed, an ESSAY on ELOCUTION, t y Virus Exriero, LL.D. Lectwer on the belle Lettr the Academy at ———Ocolus, ...

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... felefted from the beft Fnglith Writers, aad dif under proper Heads, with a View to the provement of Youth in Reading and Speaking: Tos is an\ESSAY of ELOCUTION, by W Exriesp, LL.D. the Bele Lette gh U4. nee err eS le ee e oC pawtam tellare Merato- dd ...

DUBLIN. A Memorial o

... feleited from the beft \V iters, and untie proper Heads, with a View facilitate the Improvement of Youth 'n Reading and Speaking To which is prefixed, ESSAY on ELOCUTION, illi am L. L. 1). Lcdurer Lettrct the Academy at ingtorw ??Oculus, pau' tellnre ...


... fen. Cert. Gayer, Bland. Reading Milton, Prem. Thornton, Thoma*; Prole Prem. Findlay, jun. Lloyd, Arehoal; Cert. Jonc*. Speaking, Semple, fen. Thoma*, Jones. Cert. Thornton, Roper, fen. Catechism, Psem. Semple, jun. Parvin; Cert. Bland. Mr. Da;ling bgs ...

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... MiscerLanrous Pre felested from the belt Fr. Writers, and di! Heads, with a View to facllivace tle p ovement of Youth and Speaking. To. is prefixed, an ESSAY on ELOCUTION, by V tin L.L. D. Lectu er on the Belle Lege. tha at _ i ee ...


... again happy in his Return to the Exercife ghe Government of thefe your Leeward Iflands. Tho. Jarvis. Prefider Tho. Warner, Speake War-Ofce, s, 1775 AN Captains, Lieutenants, and Enfigns, re ced with their oF at-the lait Peace, and ftill maining on Half ...

i -93 :

... Ickaed trvm the belt \Viitcr>, srjddilpolcd untier proper Held*, wilh » View to faediule Ahe Improvement of Youth Hesdinu and Speaking. Tow huh is prefixed, ESSAY ELOCUTION, by William ENruLD, L. L. 1). Ufluter on the Belle Lettres the Ac idem) Warringion ...