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since Our & we ae at bis, — ne LONDON, Auguft i6, and 19. HE Earl of was hourly expect

... from the beft Englith Writers, and di under proper Heads, with @ View to facilitate th provement of Youth in Reading and Speaking. To. is prefixed, an ESSAY on ELOCUTION, Oy Wour LL.D. Le@uer on the Belle ahs at e | paulum tellure Moratos, 6 at nroceres ...

LONDON, Auguft »*

... from the ll Er.glifti Writers, and di fol'ed umler proper Heads, with a View fac.iitatc the Improvement of 'n Readme.and Speaking. To which is prefixed, ESSAY on ELOCUTION, by Williau En r, ld, L. !.. D. the Belie ia the Wairington. ** ——Ocqlu* ...

f . % ..... From WEDNESDAY, September the 13th, to FRIDAY, September the isth, ,

... Craving after Manhood. 13. And Luxury begat Ambition, and Amb begat Emulation, and Emulation begat Stan ing. Backbiting. evil Speaking. and the Crut Reputations ; and Slandering begat Hatred, Hatred begat Strife, and Strife begat divers ( nions. 14. And divers ...

Cambridge, July 21

... foregoing be prefented to his Exce fwer tv his Meilage t ect ers ut- eir on the hi- ide ind the and Lind tof Day. , J. WENTWORTH, Speak Providence, Fuly 29. A Gentleman from Cambridge informs, that vice has been received there by feveral regular § diers who have ...

fo. two Lire*

... rende Study or French pleating to of Ages he actually feveral wha, though but fix Month: his Care, read, tranflate, write aad speak French any Boc¢y who wiil atten! ca etully bis Letions therefore, enpea the fame Im RO THY. RULIMENTS OF THE ERE TONGUE lately ...

Smmkr. SAUND E R SS ws-Letter. r-rom WEDNESDAY November the ift, to FRIDAY NovemL'er the 3d, 1775

... but it i an, Pill nil a le devoit mes cnfans, votla, vos enuemis! vefiel will mot be got off. The caj -ainand cr i lice, Speaking of che prelent fituation The was then put, and the houle divided; when bruifed and hurt. » compared America to a people who ...

Published: Wednesday 01 November 1775
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3612 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... declared had fallen from in Parliament heretofore) placing ridiculous Contrail with the *-'ents which have of lute *aken Place. Speaking **'ioufly of the prelent Situation Atiair*, lie *npartd Amer** to People who *had themfelves, knd the Mother Country a piratical ...

'O ]

... whole Talents are univerfally acknowl tobe among the in all Kinds of Writifig. © The Embellithments of our littic Volume will Speak for t felves. ther in con et sh mote. Ate. SAS, 10 Lady's Tablet more asd more wosthy of the rows Patronage of the Public. ...


... Chance: y: a Gentleman whole are univerfally acknow! tobe among the ia ail Kinds of Writifig. The of our littic Volume will Speak for felves. We promite that in every futceeding Ye: 0. all ual we We hey oy- red ere +a vith cue at s more a8d more of the ...

HI FrpniJN^.Q NDAYr„ t!ic ,27lhJv. to WEDNESDAY November the 29th, 1775. –

... civil and religious berty. Without an unditturbed Freedom of viry, or exercifing the Right ef pr a Man’s Religion cannot, Speaking, be called hisown. To lay this Exe er pecuaiary Difcouragements, is incompa with the moft perfect Rights of human Nat It ...


... vice Mami goth Regiment of Foot, James Brown, Gent. 1 Surgeon, vice Primrote, refigned. 37th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Ed: Speake to be Captain, vice Johniton, refign Nitto, Enfign John Frith to be Lieutenant. Ditto, Ricuard Fletcher, Gent. to be Enfign ...

2. wee weer, HOUSE or COMMONS. Monday, Dec. 18. HE Houfe went into a Committee, Mr. W den Flood in

... Exp tien of Corn, and went through the fame. When the Speaker had reiumed the Chai was ordered that the Houfe, with their Speake attend the Lord Lieutenant with thofe Heads Bill, and requeft that they may be tranfmitted Great Britain in due Form. Mr. ...