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... 'lThe poor liutlet maid's in a ve ry sad way! Whienj of her old frienils she begins to growv slly; VIhein sbe speaks very seldoui, and speaks with a sigh; When, though witty or wise, she appears like a duonce, And folks wonderwhat'ecometothegirlallntonce; ...

Literature, Science, Etc

... were tri-ed ait thle Old Bailey tb adl last autumn-the evidence was demsonstrations- of .15 T sayta oon ine thiguilt is to speak 'r w too faorby of the prislsters.? no 6ne entertained' in i -a Shadow of a Suspicion of the ponsibility of their Er Soinnocence; ...


... to the tipper edge of the P e. hen. Black velvet hat, lined With rose coloured P 11- satin. Tmebbrim is, comilparatively speaking, of II ti iej moderate size; tili orown low, aud of an ovel form. . ie Tle first is trimmed on theinside with rose coloured ...


... there a heart so Cold, so deavd. It never grieved to say fat e ecil Ne'er felt that softening sorrow sp)read, Wdich canl ot speak thte boisisn's swell Is there a heart hls blide adien To pleastsres that from frictwhsil) flow' Nor sigheit ishelf mneunory ...


... vacanev, pnliiee two or three nauefs befitrc g tbe King for ltis choice;- but beyond shis, his 'I power of selectiuo, or, to speak mtre cortcctly, F thatof the Dlinistry, ought cit to extenid t. We do riot, however, Wish tn see laymen. detied r alt share ...


... rt fellow, o'egtpet ca'stder ably. drunk acin that, yunm casi o y enIeic, ev er sillica ccthem old ancienit days; ptad, to speak mny -saind ocpl'its, you're 'either thie De~vil oy Captain Kidd.- .d Gkit I'd have you to know, I'm Haot to be scsi-ed by asa ...


... tIlinr, But just ats tilei as it will bring. Not being turli utf a lanisowner myself, I can only speak of vdhat I hear ; but t ae a tithe holder, and cans speak ?? to the fact, as far at least, as I am concerined, andi I believe my owII case is pretty nearly ...


... 5~he tyraant lifts his flag (in high, And Poland calls liei patriots hsunv, Tro conque)r in heroeaase, or die !- Blt I can speak io parhtsg w ord To cheer vou on yoiur INath to faue, Nor point to Sobicski's sweri,rd Nor breathe Kolsciusko's deathless name ...


... society, antl of reading English docameut9,he-applied to-it sith increasing attention, and very soon qualified hir: ielf to speak and write it with considerable facilit, correctness -ind elegance. He afterwaids studljd the Latin, Greek, and Hebrewv languages: ...


... parent bowed in hopeless dead Kissedl the cold tear drop frowu his pallid cbeek, And l4eik'd to henven the prayer she coubl Dot Speak. O withr:whhat deep andl speechless agany, She snatched the parting groan, the ieeble sigh M1y God! she criedl, t) spare ? ...


... uight, fler breaihing soft and li1v. As in her breest the wave of life Kept heavieig to and fron So silently weseemed to speak- YL) 'lo lvl Iw~vedl abolutI Ak iie halid l elit ier half 11 r IiWlSer TI)o eke her living out! i' Our veer hopes lied our ...


... them to Hinm whose office it is to heal th/e brokenl hearled, anwl to crmasi ,I tll that iniec al? How ounht it, indele , to speak in the language of divine troth to all, Be ejs vrody; for ye k lcned the day, sor the hIcr, whereins the Son oj ian c0eidth ...