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Irish News and Belfast Morning News



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Irish News and Belfast Morning News


... rich and deprive the poor of the vote. He condemned the methods which had been adopted the Suffragettes in England to advance their cause. Miss Gawthorpe, Suffragette from across the water, was also among the speakers. Part heT speech was lussed by section ...


... SUFFRAGETTES. A Less Desirable Class of Women, Says Taft. HISSED AT MEETING. A AVashington cable yesterday sars: Addressing the delegates the National Woman Suffrage Association, President! Taft said he thought one of the danger? of granting the female ...


... THE SUFFRAGETTES. Asked subsequently he would introduce a Bill for the enfranchisement of women before the present Parliament ia dissolved, Mr. Churchill said—l cannot introduce any Bill to which the Cabinet does not agree, and I thidk it very doubtful ...


... THE SUFFRAGETTES, The consideration of the report of the N.A.C. being resumed, Mrs. Robinson (Manchester) moved the omission of a paragraph which declared that much attention is now being paid to the political, social, and industrial position of women ...

The Suffragettes

... The Suffragettes. The Suffragettes did not put in an appearance-in Downing Street while the Cabinet was silting ; but, as a precaution, the police stopped every motor car in which there were ladies, and closely questioned all lady callers at either the ...

The Suffragettes

... The Suffragettes. Miss Christo bed Panklmrst, interviewed the offieeb of the Women .s Social and Political Union, said—“ The csnlt of the break of the Conference moans a Geimral Election in January. That makes ai! the more determined to get the Conciliation ...


... THE SUFFRAGETTES The suffragettes are here, there, and nernthcre. When not engaged in caur.issin, or making speeches, these enthunastio ladies are chalking the flags Votes ■ Women,” and announcing other meet- They have had to put up with ■-■■l ol luistling ...

Suffragette Martyrs.”

... Suffragette Martyrs.” Two suffragettes named Gaskell and Smith were yesterday bound over, after a charge of distributing Rush the House of Commons” bill, both protested, declaring they would not pay. ...

“ Peaceful ” Suffragettes

... Peaceful Suffragettes. The. Women’s Freedom League have issued a handbill inviting sympathisers join a peaceful gathering” in Parliament Square this evening . ...


... AMERICAN SUFFRAGETTES Invade the Capital with Voluminous Petitioo. A Reuter’s cable from Washington yesterday says—There was a suffragist parade the Capitol irt tomubiles.carrv;n bundles petitions, stated to bear about four hundred thousand signatures ...

Suffragettes Mobbed

... Suffragettes Mobbed. Throe Suffragettes who visited Neath Monday night and addressed a mooting the Town Hall had unpleasant experience. A crowd, numbering about 3,000, assembled outside, and when.jthe ladiesappeardd a wild rush was made at thSra. Escorted ...