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... easy oe thy wi be Vs ~ aks eet ANE OO” TCW ly im portea, noo Bris WHIT: H ERRINGS, and. 6 Tons CORKW( Apply to ARMSTRONG and TAYLEUR, Pater'e! JOHN FEARON, ESPECTRULLY informs hia friends and the pubke in ge — Pet he Ba s removed fram No. 12 -north fide of ...

Mosrs BrNSON

... Butts, and Ifoga g Catks JoRDAN AL DIA, HOME 200 Brls WHITE HERRINGS ,and 6 Tens CORK W' Peter's! N Appy to ARAISI RONG and TAYLEUR, _ THOMAS WOLFF, Manuracturer of STAPFORDSHIRE FAR VHENWA nor, cral ASSORTMENT of that AR] Hent AS a large aod gen on the ...

FOUND, JOR and CABLE, on the N. W. of ANCI The Owner pa ing expences ma have it a |

... weft fide George’s Dox the teth Feb. at rer im Uh. ew! PP tees | 6s LOGS MAHOGANY, ading. For particulars of which apply to Tayleur anj EWART and R SON, Br ON SA Peterspuac New SABLE TRON, Arcnanocrr TAR Davtzic OAK PLANK rranyceunc » Six very po BOATS, ...

“ON SALE. ATrIPRNEO OAK Tons PHI Ire Tierecs of MUTTON HAMS, And or the’ West India Market. ply to. CEOGHEGAN

... SHERR ¥* and } m | .ISBON WINES yr, ou oe sAll, CANVAS WINE, co [TON BAGGING 1 OLL VIPRIOL, upon the lowe! terms. anly tv TAYLEUR and PAF — — I fig r dood, to Wt ‘APPEAL, DAY FOR TAXEs. ? 0 ran , U Appointment of the Commifromers df the Da ot, and 0 Li ...


... 1 hth hy 660 ticks logwood J. 4o hhds tobauw Rathboue, ar) inf bales 190 cgtton 7 bees decr Humble, Hetland, and 49 bark Tayleur, and Park, 26 hhds and Galua, jo ‘of , 20 tons 64 Bales cotton J. Fry aad on, ~ The Polly and Harriet’ Noble. from with aphble ...


... Lisbon WINES the very quality, in Pipes and Hhds. JJ.IUL CANVAS. WINE, BAGGING, and OIL VITRIOL, the lowed terms. Apply to TAYLEUR and PARK ON KALE, fa/ted liiisii COW HIDES, Dried and Salted CALF SKINS, In-bun GLUE, engaged the fird quality, Ana about ...

ie x Fae, Sh ow tm al ee ord fod ne failing thip PRTFR TZABET Por od accommodations, intended to

... cargo being already gaged will fai ind few davs. For freight or paflage apply the Captain on ace in the Queen's Dock, or to ‘TAYLEUR and PAI For MARTINIQUE or would at any other 1 if a of Freight offered, The new coppered Ship LUNE. J. Moon, M wurthen per ...


... nuts V. . Barter and co. 20 bales 1 box nuts and fruit A. Binns and fons, bales cotton 1 box filrcr V/. Bcnlon,. 36 bark Tayleur and Park. calks bear (kins Irvine, and Cook, cafes copper S. Taylor, 5 calks horn lips Crop-* per, Benfon and co. hhds bark ...

Has cabin equal to any {] er) afpacious fteérage. For freight or patlage voy- | nds For The American Ship

... 16 h, eafy draucht of seater, built ot Peterhead 18 fails remarkably faft, and may be fent to ferat Dp Co. Buscuen, or — TAYLEUR and PARI ——_—_—_—_—_—_—__ L, To BULLDERS. A T the Li ime Kilns, North Shore, Builders ari At ‘TEN-PENCE per Buthell, mor. ...