Advertisements & Notices

... fpirits; they are on the contrary happy to is give this public tdflimony of their general and well h ftablilhed characler of temperance and fobriety; but T_ the quantity of balley raifed in the county, being far e_ greater than could ever be confumed by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... parcel of two and three year oldi STiFERS, their equal very feldoom to be met %with for lize and figure. being of a very temperate hireei, arc eafily broke to go by pairs in the ?? or vsiia, for vhich they are remarkably well calcr-- lated; ?? two large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... occafions, upon very resfonable teritas. W A N T E D, Againft the Term of Martinmas, or fooner, A SOBER, Ready, careful, good-tempered MAN A1. SERVANi', not under 40 years of age, to at- tend upon a Gentleman in a bad ftate of lealth. Such a oie (and if fisgiE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or to Andrew Jopp, Advocate, Aberdeen. W A N T E D, Againft the Term of Martinmas, or fooner 4 SOBER, feady, careful, good-tempered MAN I lA SFRVAN I', not under 4. years of age, to at- b tend upon a Gentleman in a bad fbate of health. Such aone (and i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and uie my feet . and toes aimeft as wvell as a man of my ycars can expecL; re 2Td Ihavernot the lealt doblht,ifaman lives temperate- l Iy, but that the of Gilead will elffiilssally ca re the Gout, if not of too long flandisig. I even then 's would ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fame with thosl who enter into the (late of wedlock without having their blood properly purified' from the coutagiousdif- tempers it receives through thefe errors, than which nothing is more eflfcacious than Dr. Brodum's BOTANICAL SYRUP, which is an admirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... will be found worth the Attention of any Perfbn: who. rides from. aS to z; Stone, beizig Mafler of that Weiglit, and fin temperate and good a Leaper that a C hild may ilidc or lead him over any Thing. 3. A Bay Mare, by lexicon, a remarkably good Hunter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Horfe will be found worth the Attention of any Perfon a who rides from IS to 25 Stone, being Malter of that C Weight, and fo temperate and good a Leaper that a Child L( may ride or lead him over any Thing. 3. A Bay Mare, by Lexicon, a remarkably good Hunter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... View of the fame apply to the Tenant Son the Premiffes. TO BE SOLD, A Beautiful brown bay GELDING, perfectly F found and temperate, bred by the Owner, coming fix Years old, thews much Blood, would fulit a Lady, or any other light Weight, who is fond of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trait of the Author, if- LECTURES ON c ns ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY; f Is TO WVHICII IS ADDED, II ze An Effty on Chriftian Temperance and Self Denial; fi te Bv the late GEORGGE CAMPBELL, 1). D. _ at With an acconnt of the Author's Life and writings, 1 a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ufe my feet fi, and toes almeft as well as a man of my years can expec't; p and I have not the leaft doubt, if a man lives temperate- j, ly, but that the Balm of Gilead will effectually cure v% the Gout, if not of too long flanding. I even then r, would ...

Ye iff, ' ' A

... years equal 10 Parrot fenfcns. The vacancy tor the reprelcnta'ien for the city oi' Duiham is occal.-. red by Sii Harry Vane Temper! be- ing a-out to be created a.l Irirh Peer. He is to take the title of Antrim which belongs to Lady Temped, I and is to ...