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I- A Ntippion ent tt the London Gazette. Admiralty Olga, May t 6. Captain NM; ol his Maletiy's Ship tr

... Ships a fiern mull loon up with them , they made Sail a. Head, tt prevent the Van of the Enemy efcaping, as did alit, tenni other Ships of the Fleet. The Yarmouth and Devoe. (hire having up and engaged thc. Enemy, and the PrinceGterge being near ...

.7,14 :!4 May sp • 2c, N. S. The I.etters from* fnris of the 22d, bring no twiny ct i

... followed by the Defiance and VVindlor, which engaged the jalon and Glove and the other two Ships promitcuot.lly, for tome Time ; tenni (that is) two or three of their hos!! Ship had Nock by this Time: We came . up next in the Prince Frettrick, and esehauged ...

no :As ronion 041.4itt, lane 2: .C..i A;1.1 2e. 111 e 1 reatics tubfitting bc:ween this Emp.m An d i

... ticy 11111 hold in the Outlets of the tI a vricial Attak, en all Sides at the lame Ink, has U. tel 1 . , II.: Day next e.k. Tenni, itit..y 24, N. S. We have A.:vices front Nice, that thc Ili ttcry :11 0,4. Erciich ha.l crezted or: of Land that the ...

[N° 3099.)

... tinployLd upon that Service fell into Diforder. Upthe Er., my ha .1 finifbed a Parallel from the Sra on one SAe to Cl Wote. tenni:hi:es the Inunlation that covers the rat iLe odic Up,:ri Coe 2Oh at LLy Break, the llitfie.,•,ers hegim 1111 ne, fr( i! rce ...

To be SOLD,

... tether or ic mate, A Farm called the Pent Farm, in P. til.lig near Hythe, amGiting of a Mediate, Barn, Stables, and Outhoufes, tenni Pieces or Is of Arahle s Meadow, l'afltne and Lani, and a [mall Parcel of Wood thereunto belonging, containing in the Whole ...

On SAttitay 111 Lis Majefly's Ship tl.e F, t.y Car Thomas Gieeory, azeived at Spithead, I.lviiig Convoy font ..

... by Earth acquainted Baron Cronttruin therew;th. Bergen-op-zoom, Sept. 22. There iernaito litre, ixfiles Majct-General Love, tenni' Dutch Officers who are wont dtAl. Count Lowendald has attentively fupplied them with CI they had occaiiou for. (larrifon which ...

[N 3124.] L 0 N D 0

... Diffurbances in Scotland, are laid to hairs been occalioned by Letters written from that Country, mentioning the Re urn of tenni Highland Chiefs (MCC the Mt of Indemnity, who to be full of Money, and it was bdieved had not improved their Principles much ...

intenied tofummon all loch as hate in %'that are filed die new Coottueati, to repair into their raper:live ..

... Village of Callton, near that Town, which burnt with great Violence above fig Hours, and confirmed (even Dirselithg- Houfes, tenni Stables, Barns, &c. befides a large Quantity of Gram and Hay, to a great Value. Yetterday a very unhappy Accident tappened ...

WEDNESDAY January 6,

... a Gentleman of ,poo I. a Year, to Mils Atabella Miley, Dau6hter of Sir John Miley, Ban. Member for Shropfhire. On Monday tenni* died Charles Gore, of the Town of Northampton, Efq;•being the lati of that ancient Family. The latt Advices we have from Madrid ...

R) BE J 01.1),

... two of the chief Smugglers have apprehended and lent to London, and foine eminent Shopkeepers are with Exchequer-Writs fur tenni large Sums. The SmuNlers enquire! alter the other Holtler, but he went off; they alfo (hot at a Servant G,:', who (as they ...


... Entertainment, at his Howe on Bread-Street-Hill, to the Moft Rev. the Archbilhop of Canterbury, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and tenni of the Aldermen of this City. The Glotiofo Man of War, Capt. Wilcox, from Lirhon, and St. George, Dormer, from Oporto, are ...