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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON, S.W. THE CELEBRATED TOUR BOOTS Always Ready, Dry, and fit for immediate use, 28s. A lxge stock ofi Sporting Boots now - ready, in splendid condition, for imme- n -. f ~ iete use. , j -Wholsoale Manniactor, Golden-sqnare. ?? Agents in Booton, lJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cox, Esq. (Morice, Cox, and Co.), 8, Cannon- R street. M Gabriel French, Esq., Chatham. it William Squire Plane, Esq., Maidstone. Hugh Russell. Esq., 9 and 10, Old Fish-street. RP Edward Smythe, Esq., Fenchurch-atreet. Pi George Carrick Stect, Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... manufacturer of the De Gulche Parialan Polish for dreat beets. and shoes, and waterproof vamich for huntint boots.- Manuaietory, 25, Broad-treet, Golden-square, London-Patro. nised by the court and Nobility, and to be had of all the prnc- pal bootmakers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROWN, the inventor and Rot sole manufacturer of the De Gnilhe Parisian Polish for dress tle . boots and shoes;' and wvaterproof varafilh fcr-lhnniing boots.-_- xl Mfanniactory, 07, Prfenees-str-eet, Leieester-aqssiae (labs Broad. Syl ie ?? by tile Courrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... every inforiatien will be .aflorded to Persona wishing to qualtfv themselves forthwith for the Icounties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Susex, Itertfordshire, Not. I tirght mshire, Ycrkhlre (WVet Riding), and Berkshire. ?? COAltLES LEW'IS GRUNEJSEN, Secretory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... recommend theirCAAPITAL DINJNERt SHERRBY, at 2aa, an~d 30a per dozen. Per doz, Superior Golden Sherry (soft, genereus, high flavoured) ?? . 3Gz.s Choice Pale, Golden, and Browin Sherry ?? 42s. 4Sa. boe Port, from first-class ?? . 0. 88s. 42s. Very chol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ad: lot on lease at £35. treak Particulars had at the Mart ;of Messrs. Frank Richardson and a1ei Sadler. soliciters, 26, Golden-ozqtare, WV.; and of the Auctioneers, ! 275, Upper-street, N.dr, Exceilent Leaseehold Investreoito mabl l~ESSRS. INEWVBON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stated by sellers of ordinary Refrigerators. with a view to depresiate Kent's Patent, set the temperature in Kent's cag at pleasure be brought below freezing point. Prices 38. to £60. KENT'S KNIPE CLEANING MACHINE AND RPERIGERATOR MANUFACTORY, 199, HIGH HOLBORN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... comfo* are combined with beat work ad mte RatE.. btished SO Ys1&-W1,Tg CIIaBIOand SON HOSIESS o SI[RTMIANES, and OUTJITPr the Golden heec O A9 end 9N , OxFordstieet, london, Wf. la LadiesDreamls -deto n sewithre il nce Parnod a arsrhions. the presentvaably ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Uhottest and bost lArco, which keep alight for mony boura weithout Pity attontirn, Boot drop, 20A.; hoot brietot houoe, 25s,; London ldroghta, 3so.; Boot kitcheno, 220; boot ocronood toobblos, 200,;lopuntso, lb.; Jlrtght Nuto, Igo. t kitohouion hoodis, 100 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Libraries, TL. PRETTY WIDOW; a New Novel. T [ BY C L H OS. 2vols. [Just ready. h, % 0 L L Y: a Village Portrait. In 2 vols. J1 A GOLDEN HEART. By TOM HOOD. 3 vols. ORVILLE COLLEGE. By Mrs. HENRY WOoD. 2 vols. HIDDEN FIRE. A Novel. 'In 3 vols. Tinsley Brothers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3foor. gate-street, E.C.; and at the place of sale. ASHFORD, KENT.-Eligible FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND. R. WHITTINGHAM is instructed to SELL M.LV by'AUCTION, at the Royal Oak Hotel, Ashford, Kent, on TUESDAY, August 7, at 6 for 7 in the evening, in Lots, a ...