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Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

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EVENING- GAZETTE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE 0g- To afford the Public increased facilities for reference ..

... be promptly attended to at tho following prices : s. d. Men's Boots Soled and Heeled 2 9 Men's Boots Soled and Heeled (with New Elastics) 4 0 Women's Boots Soled and Heeled 1 9 Women's Boots Soled and Heeled (with New Elastics) 2 9 Kemember ! Remember ...

EDUCATION. T^HR Duties of the MrSSES PLETTS' School will be resumed on Tuesday, Januaiy 27th. 1874. , ?? .

... xO SUIT ALL CLASSES. PARCELS SENT ON APPROVAL. BOOTS MADE TO ORDERON VERY SHORT JOTICE REPAIRING In all its branches by experienced woikmei*. f Fancy Boots and Tkimminos in Ge__t Vabjetv J. LYON, THE BOOT AND SHOE SHOPS, 116, Hierh-street, ?? 3, Church-street ...

VACATION. ' Ct&WJt^ Aopemt. v -OAP MIPDLKSBRO'JGH. jrtmWlK* % ; h g ; ikvk . p. A., LL.D. flindP^ :

... and Youths' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's strong Boots, do Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas ie, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. Ac. The DRAPEKY and ...

spTTCATION. - rt AcADEMT. UJE^J w»AD, MIDDLESBRO7GH. : iioci!* 1 : P ia* Vounir Gentlemen Receive 1 ;W** .„ ..

... wood— Pale .. . . Is tod 18s Do do. —Golden . . . Is 6d 18e 3 years in the wood— Pale . . . is 9d 21s 3 yeare in the wood— Golden . . ?? Is 9d 21s 4 yeara in the wood— Pale . . . 2s Od 21s 4 years in the wood— Golden . . . 2s Od 24s to yeara in the wood— ...

Academy, ,aTI_)K ROAD, MTDDLESBRO'JGH. -OBW** 1 ,pr WM . Gbieve , B.A. LL.D. PriB ° I v lat which Young

... Boys' aud Youth.' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Hoots, Men's strong Boots, do. Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elasic, Girh' and Children's Boots and Slippers. &c. The DRAPERY and H&rfIERY consist ...

..-EVEIAN^HOOBE.*- ft* - aedley * C ?? B Z BBESB BEPABTMEMT. TWEEDS tfESTOF ENGLAND TWEEDS te made to order by

... very heavy, 10s 9d reduced to 7s 9d 921 „ Lads Strong Laced Boots, toe and heel plates ?? ?? ?? ?? from ?? 4 j d 887 „ Do. Elastics, strong from LADIES' BOOTS. .005 j, L* dies' Levant Boots ?? ?? .. ?? ?? ?? ?? from Is 11*_ -_£ „ Do. Clumps, ...

JSimCATICW. T|§BS. YOP.KF'S Day and Bonding' —■- School, 2, Paradise-row, Stockton. Terms on application. ..

... styles in ; V .Ladies', GeHtleoien's, and Children's Boots and Shoes now ready. 1 A large assortment of HOME MADE, iIAND STITCHSD BOOTS, TO BVTT ALL CLASSES. • ) PARCELS SENT ON APPROVAL. BOOTS KA DETOORDERON VERY|?HORT NOTICE j REPAIRING j In ; a'l ...

af^~ EDUCATION. Cleveland Academy, nation road, middlesbro 7gh :0K ?? •Dr WM. Gbtete. BA, LL.D. ?? at which ..

... Boys* and Youths' Trousers, Vests Ac The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies* Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's streng Boots, do. Elastic, Boys* and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas'ie, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. Ac The DRAPERY and ...

' Ptetemn** Academy, Nation boad, midd^srro ;gh. H*J ' . Yonns: Oentlemen Receive I fS»I Mathematical, er ..

... the wood — Pale ?? Is 6d 18a Do do. —Golden . . . Is 6d 13s 3 years in the wood— Pale . . . Is9d 21s 3 years in the wood— Golden . . . ls 9d ''Is 4 yoars in the wcod — Pale . . . 2s 0d 21a 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s 6 years in the wood ...

EVENING- GAZETTE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE To afford the Public increased facilities for reference to ..

... be promptly attended to at the following prices : s. d. Men's Boots Soled and Heeled 2 9 Men's Boots Soled and Heeled (with New Elastics) 4 0 Women's Boots Soled and Heeled 1 9 Women's Boots Soled and Heeled (with New Elastics) 2 9 FURNISH THROUGHOUT AT ...

-fc&CCATIOK. ,~ m . k sm A CADE MY. (I & ?? MX* M IDDLKSRRO -GH. i'v^t^^mKVK.B.A..LL.D _ '

... . Is Pd 21a 3 years in the wood— Golden . . . T3 9d iis 4 years in the wood — Pile . . . ?? 03 24 3 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s bye--- rathe wood— Pale . . . _sod 30s- ■ 6 years in the wuod — Golden . -h,m twv j 8. .. , * — — vtt ?? ...

- »m Academy. sj-tfi** 01 ?? Mathematical, or vu^ ;t« lOU * tt - .itr Local, Preiimi- , -- ,«

... wood- Pale . -, - Is 64 18a Do do. —Golden . . . Is 3d IBa 3 yeare ia the wood -Pale . . . IsM 2*3 3 }c.ire in th*e wood— Golden . . . Is 9d Vis 4 years in th© wood — Pale . . . 2s Od 24s 4 yeare in the wood— Golden * „ . 2s Od 24» 3 years in the wood— ...