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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... '-1C, VICTRoIA STaREr, BEaFAST. THE BEST BOOTS ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. GEJORGE M'AFEE Would respectfully call the attention of the Public to his present large and well-selected Stock of GUTTA-PERCHA AND LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES, Made of the Best Materials ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the elegance of outline and finish of any Machine which has yet been presented to the public. They are available for sewing Boots and Shoes, Tailoring, Dressmaking, Harness, Dashboards, &c. Illustrated Pamphlets and Samples of Work sent free on application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Ceiltldrn's BOOTS and SHOES. G. h. & CO.'S own tnniofactulretl RIVETTED BOOTS continue to give tie Utmost satiueftion, and cau be highly recomatiended.l. A large Stock of Ladies' Kid L.L'.STIC BOOTS ,at very low prices.. HO USE BOOTS fromt 2s, ld. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOCK-IN-TRA.DE OF THE LATE 1 Mr. JA3B3 M'Briis, eomprising a quantity of Upperand Sole Leather, Grained and Fiat Calf; Boot Fronte and Boot Tops, a large lot of Lasts and Last Blocks, Laces and Shoe Thread, Shoe Pegs, a large quantity of Shoe Findings, K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BoitliDg and 2 Draugbt ALES, PORTER, and BEER, in Hhds., l and Whole, Half, and Qaarier Bar~els, a Stock oft which is always kent in atore- c 84. EDWVARD STREET. The March Brewing-the quality of which he can e With Oonfiderco recommend-is now ready. I N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Your obedient servant, JOHN LAWRENCE, Cricketing Outfitter, 89, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. I October 10, 1865. 7328 GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS, AT GEOR GE MAHAFFY & Co., 29, NOaTH SrTEnT. Our Stock is large, the workmanship firet-class, - end the prices very moderate ...

The Belfast News-Letter

... They believed that Stephens w was within their reach, and in imagination they had already grasped J1,000. Bat, alas ! their golden visions passed away, and they were com- pelled to leave the hotel sadder and wiser men. Writing of H ead Centres brings ...

Published: Monday 08 January 1866
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 6372 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: News 

Advertisements & Notices

... Skirtinge, Hosiery, Gloves, Boots, Hasberdashery, Cloths. CJ. !{OBB & CO., CASTLE PLACE. 1 8 6 5 . BELFAST SAYINGS BANK, ESTABLISHED 1816. UNDER THE CERTIFIED ACT OF 1863. A BSTRACT OF B A L A N O E, AS PER ANNUAL STATE-KENT, FURNISUED TO THE 3Commiassioners ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINE IMPORTERS, OIFF.R FOR SALE- SHERRY-Fine Mellow Golden Dinner, .. 15s Od per Dozen. Do., Fine Pale Dessert. .. s Od ,, 1 Do., Superior Pale and Golden. . . .ls Od ,, Do., A veryrare, old, delicious ...


... andl Contaies better. Banl]~; 'lull. Aingles form. A~tlanttic preference lower. (Arc. ditk Fonciors better; but nut at tlitir boot.-t Opoien me Prices.-Consola tor Money, 0231-4; 'E~tto for Account. 9.331 4: New Three p~er Cents., 9).~ Noco Pru-.os.-Cornsols ...

Published: Wednesday 31 July 1867
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2900 | Page: 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Advertisements & Notices

... ani llair- Mattresses; Dressing Tables and hlassesg- Waslistands and Delf; fBed-room Chairs; Painted; aiM--Lrol)cs; XMahogany Boot and Shoe Standc; T csl Il-.ils; Sitz JBatl; Clocks; Matting anl Mats; Sc'I'hd-ilooin Desks and Forms; Maps and t oltS; IcelC1n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hainill, Ahoghill, .3 0 0 John K. Houston, nockbraeken, 2 0 0 d MODERN lANGUAGES DEPARTMENT. . Josias Cunninghan, .3 . 0 i- Henry Kent, 2 0 0 t. WRITING DEPARTMENT. - George helso, 20 () I latte Jos. U'Neill . James :Morrow, Legaeurry, Lisliurn, I 0 O -DliAING ...