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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal



Kent, England


Canterbury, Kent, England

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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal

From i Written. Leda AV& liccefsfa The Greenland Voyage :Doc then was at fir* apprehcmchd, Lift Shirchrese up ..

... recalled at . the Pay- Office in Broad-ftrect, the Wages remaining, due to filch Officers who have pafkcl their Accounts on the Boots of his Majefty . s Ships of War folrZ2, viz. thejGreyhoLnia, Bedford, Leopard, I Nottingham; Breda), Captain, Prince Ftedencit ...

Juti Pubidled (to be continu'i) Price S . x.pence, THE GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, or TRADER'S MONTHLY liitelligencer ..

... . x.pence, THE GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, or TRADER'S MONTHLY liitelligencer. Numb. V. for May, 1731. Containing (more than any Boot of the Kind and Price) I. A View ot the Weekly Mfay; and C•Jntroyes fich Vie. of Self-Opinion, Labour, Recreation, Gaming, ...

- * -3 11Frw: - * -

... - * -3 11Frw: - * - From the London Gazette, July 22. We hear from Maidstone in Kent that great At the Court at Hampton-Court; the 19th Interest is making against the ensuing Election Day of July, 1733. Present, The King's most for Representatives in ...

Vbe fold to the higheft and beft Biddet by From the London Daily Poit, &t. It. publick Sale, on Thurtday

... Houfe of Joloph Glandfield, called or Qkieen, and the reft of the Royal Family, on their known by the Name or Sign of the Golden Lyon coming to Town for the Winter. in Dover, viz. 18 Casks of White Wine, containing We hear, the Inhabitants of Newington ...

To be LETT at Lady-D

... betwixt two Men. Inquire for farther Information of the laid Mr. Rutton as aforefaid. THE Ship Inn at Dover in the Cou n ty o f Kent, is newly rebuilt, and neatly furniihed, in a molt commodious and genteel Manner; where all Gentlemen, &c. way depend on the ...

Atatais: •-0e1144 Tlic Keihijb Poit, or Cawierbary News- Letter. Fretn SAI URL'.VV A:t Y 79 i WEDNESDAY JANeARy ..

... Marquiis of Rockingham will be eleded without any Oppolition. Thomas Boone, who died IA Week at his Houk called Lee- Place in Kent, huh left the greateft Partofhk Fortune together with his (aid Mantion Route to his Daughter, the Wife of Charles imforth, ...

[INV. 336. J

... fhall pay a Duty of Entry for them of Two per Cent. On Sunday the Right Hon. the Earl of Harborough arrived at his Houle in Golden-Square, from his Seat at Whiffendine in Rutlandfhire. 'Tis (aid Sir James Lowther will be made a Peer, by the Stile and Title ...

• —-r-,•-•e4.'.•-^••*.l.' . „

... Phiebus' Fire Hence, babling Ghcia ! nor dare to loiter now, Seeking for what no Mortal can bellow, A courteous Sybil, and a golden Bough. If in thy Mind this juft Advice you keep, Secure thoult pals the Moniters of the Deep, When to the Shades thou art ...