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LOND 0 N, Oft. 26

... Stile) by InfpeOion, Without the tedious Caleulaticin by Authority prelcribed ; WHICH, With another Table for finding the GOLDEN Numate for any Year, by Inipettion, perfetta the the of the excellent Palehal Talk, done by the Earl of MACCLESFIELD, who ...

LONDON,Frb. :4. T liurfday at the in the Old Barley fourteen Prikmers were Med, two of whom were capitally ..

... NOtice is ere‘t ivci, all Perfons who are any ways indebted to Nt.,. E'•Ldne:a Lay. fon, of Entity in the County *1 Kent, deccated, do torthwith pay their refpettive Debts unto Mr. James Ilanion, Attorney at Law, in CanteiSury. Aid all Perfons ...

Lady's The

... Saturday, between Five and Six o'Clock an the Morning Canterbury to the Golden Croft, Charing-Crofs. Wensander, in One Day—And the (aid Coach or Landau will return from the Golden Crofs at the tains Hour every Monday. Wedneiday and friday for Canterbury ...

TO THE rusoc

... •:;yr, pius. to Cry I . Il• • day, y, and Satuiday, I !Morning Canterl , l•ty t , ) th;.• tat minC.!r, in Day.—Atid . she Golden Crofs at the IJr Friday for Canterbury and Diver.--laclt I• to and from Dover ; • tcrinry. And to bi allowt.d /v. Ac lf Pa ...

From SAT U ADAY Avousr 2), to WEDNESDAY -AUGUST 17. 1755. L 0 N D 0 N, Au:. :5

... tp.king the Cannon, and blowing up Come Past of tte Fort. The Indians furrendered themielves. On Saturday laft the Hunter, Golden Fleece, and a new-hired Tender, failed from Iron Gate with about zoo imprefed Men, d r ained for the Ships at Chatham and ...

Total Value,

... Remarks on this Subjea. Letter on the Dearnefs of Provifions in London anfwered. Deftruflive Storm near Rye. Difcovery of Golden Country. Murray's new Armillary Trigono. meter defcribed. Refiettions on a French Ship's Motto 1 lie late Game recited. 'ty ...

tion, 1 loacii4

... tion, 1 loacii4 lima' , Ion& s r ii S the Croe Vrs. KINS of 21 ! a idiot, in Kent, (Whn fee many Years kept the Boarding School there) tosethw with her Niece Mrs. H. I !matins who likewite fur fiveral Years pall bath been a leacher in the fame ...


... Friend's the Vicar of Band- Ford, (Author of em.nent Pieces, rarticularly one on Decency) and as he was hurrying on one of his Boots, the Spur, whin was very unfortunately left in it, run imo one of his Tuts, which gave him exceffive Pain, and has eccafioncd ...

Littlell Gazette, Nra. s

... this murder, are dif,:harged out of cnftody. On Toefday evening laft a man wu unfortunately run over in the gateway of the Golden-crofs inn at Charing oral's, by a coach, which which happ-ned to be coming in, and was to tatic.h broiled that he died in ...

:be L•sion Gatette, Pity

... original by Re,inald ?amide, of Huthfield, in Kent, and is now prepared and fiid in joint Partnerlbip, ty the aiuteliod regi ad Partridge, at Huthfield, and John Haffenden, ot Betheriden, a..ii Atfora. Ai Kent, by Wholzrale and Retail, Puce as. a Ittle, ...

Now to be LETT, or at 11/..ichaelmas, i7(57. Houft, Burn. Stable, and four Pieces of Land, with Hopgrou..d and ..

... fituate in the Parini of Newington near Hytbe and Folkftone, in Kent ; and now in the Occupation of Michael Denn. For further Particulars enquire of Vincent Pain, Boat Builder, ih Follalone, Kent. To be LETT and Enter'd upon immediately, AMetriage or Tenement ...