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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... BERDDE, Tailor and Over-coat si, t ,!%orhill ( northside), a nd shortlyaa t 96, New Bond-street. (P EAT RDUTONi te FPri~ces of B-OOTS titSIE t28and 2i9, Strand, opposite St. Clement's .itO 6,IHigh llonopst Great Turnstile; Oxford-house, ttftboad mco o h e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... effircia- (if tlme highicst the - ir00 eoticl tmay- ilso be hoota throiugb til 005c 5Otiir fmciiimcinteUnitd Kimigudomn t boot be par- pitl ab- tattenutci SAlRAti mi-lnupuT' PHUll bra .( tittuIt1l1 , is eng-raved in svilife lrtters o'n Witl ii i'5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tacudh Icothe lheroit of tire saiol decree. PiLUR and SALTWELL, Carlron Chambeos, Regent-street, Plairttiff's Solicitors. OIO'GOLDEN SHERRY, 30s., 42s., ijs-, nd 4s.per dozen; AoonnilladokSbetro-, ISo. erro 0-- poe dcoit a, n drotnk bty the Spaniards, strorngl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l Nsith every description of elothing. Observe-1). Ludlhowv, It 4 A, Oxfolrd-stroet. R 1 lEAT REDUCTION iR tlde Prices of BOOTS i G nil SItiOES, at 258 :md 259, Strond, opposite St. Clement's Chiurch; (i5, Htitgeh lIlbortt,outpo.iitt Great Turnstile; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Drapers, Clothiers, flatters, It,~ ~ iiS~ti; ird iitlitero, 1.14, 1.50, 151, 157, Minories ; zend RE UTION in the Prices of BOOTS flasi~!hi9S~at250and250,Strndopptosite St. Oletnent's pdew~hlglrrolo~nopilogite Great Turnstile; Oxford-hei maoc~l Ialsrra ...

Advertisements & Notices

... please to observe none are geninine unless signed JAS. IAERDS, and mann- fuictured at the Royal Viitoria Mill, Dnrtford, Kent. G^ ARDENER'S ALIMENTARY PREPARA- k TION. IJnder Special Patronege. By Her Miajesty'sLetters Piitetat. This trsLdy valhablearticle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAT REDUCTION in the Prices of BOOTS acld SIIOES, at 258 and 2159, Strand, opposite St. Clement's Church; 65, High Iolbern, opposite Great turnstilc; Osford-house, Edgew are-road, corner of the New road. Wellington Boots, English manufacture ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10. 6d. Clarence Boots do. e. . . Bs. 6d. Gentlemen's Cloth Boots, do e ., s. 6d. Oxomians, do . . . 6d. Diuchers, d O..I 4s. 6d. Dressing Slippers, -do eI. 9d. Stout enamelled cow-hide Boots reduced to l~s. 6d., sust-sle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sole lcathcsr by tbe Frendh, Thse prices ace about the sarne.-E D NAltD STNT, 17, Istranid. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS- CHEAP BOOTS! BGOOD BOCTS, I iiHANDSOMEt BOOTS ! I -French 'Welling- tons, cedisced to 17s. 6d. Stsiit, the owinter, and missde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tho oataplrovd cnstuctonwit paters o irn betisteads for seooshopiasunon, rsos,&c-Elancs to show-rooms, 76, HI (1ARPETS.-LUCK, KENT, n UMN C having REM~OVED from Carp~entrs'hall, London-wall, to918, Al HattonjZarden, and 4, Regcnt-street, beg to Inform their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o tit ttt v-,II Itoh I dd' titetl tile ' Two tInI l lt'ste I'llt'I candiditites ii: it : t': 1r the loitgeSt Itiae On the boot'. ; ttakiutg a T U tbee .4O1 itt'' L(IIID RtOBERllT GROSVE-NOR, AMtt., is e'O llittl' t t,o It olili IIO:-: i:i1t0l i*ait ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S -IT S Gecal.-An Ol1d- JOBBING S1T nGnr T ~ tllshed 551 rrTHS' SHOP to be LET, fifty-six fret in depth, situtated its the boot Isait of Utpper Chelsea, with. dwelling-room over, now doing a good jobbing tradep, land well fitted up with doutble forge ...