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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and we under-i stand his draimnatic coips will in foture be em-G ployed at Liverpoil and Clhester, lie lmving taken t the theatre'at the latter plele.t Upwardcjof bOO, have aciagd bean sobscrieed in. the Principality for the widow and family of s the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (mmmgilma tie, ?? tom mmke initmm conimtdcratiomm time, uro- lmriety mf establish ininga fomnd iormtim re lief mii mmi- 'mmom theatre pmsmfinrmmers, whmem siekacss anld e iemmidm' tlamna incapable of odlowimmg their immefes mmimli. Thme G emmoa fired vmawy ...

at 2IRTH .] ?? the 2

... side, onl ai stage within one hundred; muiles! of time present Itt, metropolis.odl se. Cims-iant TrATaR~ica1,1.-Mfhc Chester theatre execute ar- is miow confidently reported to lie the best of its and the size, boils fur thle talent of the Company and tile ...

BIRTHS. On Wednesday

... some scion of nobi ity, wfhoise name we could not ?? iean nmade his first appearailee before a Chester audi- ence at the theatre in that city, on Saturday v evening last. Report speaks very mieanly of Ilis abilities. TInE SCOTCI KIRKit, AND TIlE WELSIH ...