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Freeman's Journal

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Armusement will commence with GRAND SPANISH PARADE, With Six Beautiful Horses, being part of the Stud that performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, in Tinsour the Tartar,- &c. which will be displayed as dying and dead. To conclude with A COUNTRY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYALD' This present TUESAY, JANM. 11, 1820, 'li$ Majestys S int will perform (never acted here) a new Play (founded odn the Dramia of Tun D*s5aerD b.kuoursa) called, THE STEWARD; - Or FASHtON. AND FEELIN`G; (As now performing at the Thatre-Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nohilitpand the, Public in general, that they -have engaged MISS PARIS, An Infant Prodigy, only Seven Years of age, late of tbie Theatres Edinburgh a~nd Glasgow, who will exhibit her astonishing and pleasing Performances on the TIGHT ROPE. And every Evening till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOCIETY. PUPLIC LECTURES ON THE GEOLOGY OF IRELAND. AND MINING. MRt. GRIFFITH, JUN. W ILL cotnuseoce his Lectures in the Theatre W of the Dublin Society, on Tuesday, the 24 of Fe- bruary, at a quarterpast Three o'clock, and will continue to Lecture every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOCIETY. -. PUBLIC LECTURES ON--THE3 GEOLOGY OF LRELAND, AND XfINING. MR. GRIFFITH, JUN. lTILL commence his Lectures in the Theatre oftbe Dublin Society, on Wednesday, the 2d of Fe- bruary, at a quarter past Three o'clock. and will continsie to Lecture every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;&lmon' Herbs[; ±he F-ncy- ciopedia Britannica;: Perry'i History of Shells; larri%'s Voyages and Travels ; Be ll'r¢ Iritish Theatre, 25i Vols. Haley~n Li~fe of'f Ronnney; the Antiquarian Itinerary, &-r. The Sale to'commevce'at One o'Clock., FASHIO.XA-LJ2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salrin's Jlerbal ; She- Ery- clopedis Britanrnica; Perry'- History of Shellsi; Harris's Voyages and Travels ; Bed's British Theatre, 25 Vols. Haley's Life of Romney; the Antiqluarian Itinerary, &c. The Sale to commence at One o'Clock. SHERIFF'S SALE. TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salmon's Herbql; the Ency- clopedia Britannica; Perry', History of Shelf& ; Harris's Voyages and Travels ; Bell's British Theatre, s5 Vols. Haley's Life of Rornney ; the Antiquariais Itinerary, &c. Tbe Sale to corntnence at On., o'Clock. THE LATEE Ar. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... February, 1820. N EW THEATRE,- COLLEGE-GREEN By Permsission of the Jtigot Honourable the lord t Maiyorr. AIR. LENNARTZ, Most respectfullly informs the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, e that he has, at considerable expense, formed a NEW THEATRE; t IN; TttE LATE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... never witnessed by an asidienice, however e6ilightentilt with surprise, astouishm-ni, and rel sciotilie grntriication. The Theatre will be well aired, constant fires; 'eia! ko. Doors to be open at 7, and the 1, ftancc to b lgit prec ly at S o'ctock. 4 Coxes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LENNARTZ,; fiost respectfully informs thei Nobility, Gensey. and the Pablis thst he bar., at considerable expensea formed a NEW THEATRE, : .-12S I ills LATE POST-OJFICE, COLLh'GE .3REEN, Where hewill, on THIS and EVERY EVENING, until funther'Notice, Exhibit ...